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Contra Costa County, CA | November 4, 2008 Election |
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Highlights of Steve Glazer first Council termBy Steven M. GlazerCandidate for Council Member; City of Orinda |
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Progress on road repairs, expanded citizen involvement,reforms to planning and design process, emergency preparedness, open and inclusive government.Highlights of Steven Glazer's First Council Term As Mayor and as a Councilmember, Steve Glazer has brought fresh perspective, an earnest disposition, and a hardworking approach to improving the quality of life in Orinda. The following highlights Glazer's accomplishments that have come about with the involvement and support from his Council colleagues and city residents. Expanded Citizen Involvement Under Glazer's leadership, in the past two years the City Council has more than doubled the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process. In 2006, there were 35 residents governing the City, today there are 78. New citizen committees have been established dealing with Budget, Planning Reform, Revenue Enhancement, Audit, and Infrastructure Oversight. Transparency in Government Glazer followed through on his campaign promise to improve transparency in city government. He supported the adoption of new city rules requiring that all city subcommittee meetings follow the Brown Act (the openness in government law) with advance disclosure of all meetings and open public involvement. Planning and Design Review Reform With Glazer's support, the Council enacted changes to the design rules which help make home remodeling easier while balancing private property rights and the protection of Orinda's semi-rural character. As a part of this effort, customer surveys were initiated to improve feedback from applicants and neighbors involved in the planning process. Mayor's Award for Excellence in Architecture Glazer created the annual Mayor's Award for Excellence in Architecture as a way to highlight and inspire outstanding work in home design that fits into Orinda's unique neighborhoods. Safeway Store Remodeling Glazer organized more than 30 residents to meet with Safeway executives to encourage a remodeling of the only grocery store in Orinda. Safeway had proposed previous work at the store but was left frustrated by the lack of city support. Within 18 months, a remodeling project was designed, approved and completed. Revival of Pulte/Pine Grove Project That Benefits Our Schools In the summer of 2006, this joint project between Pulte and the Orinda Union School District had stalled and was on the verge of collapse. Glazer chaired a special Council/Planning Commission panel that revised the design rules to better balance the desires of the City with the need by the developer for an economically viable project. Recently, the City Council approved the Pulte project. The City of Orinda will receive newly constructed playing fields and a public tot lot, and OUSD will receive a new administration building and $25 million for capitol improvements. Library Parcel Tax Renewal Glazer served on the citizen committee that passed a special $39 parcel tax that allows the County Library in Orinda to remain open 60 hours a week. Road Repair Criteria and Increased Spending After two years of objections by Glazer to road spending decisions, the City Council unanimously adopted a Metropolitan Transportation Authority "Street Saver" selection model and also adopted a new Policy Statement on road repair priorities. Now the most heavily used roads and financial efficiencies are dominant decision-making parameters for repair selection. Additionally, the Council has increased spending on road repairs substantially in the past two years, which brought about the major rebuilding of Moraga Way. Road repair improvement is the central goal for Glazer in a second term. Public Safety Commission and Emergency Preparedness Glazer was the author of a new Public Safety Commission. This nine citizen committee actively works with public agencies and staff to improve emergency preparedness, neighborhood watch and public safety. More than 150 Orindans have been trained in first aid, disaster response and search and rescue (CERT Training) in past two years. As Mayor, Glazer began every City Council meeting with emergency preparedness announcements. In partnership with the Orinda Association, he also actively promoted the sale of emergency backpacks to city residents-- more than 500 were purchased during his term as Mayor. Others:
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