This information is provided by the candidate
Michael McGuire
Shelly McGuire
David Pilkington
John Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Gene Balocco
Mary Balocco
Christian Androvich
Michael Androvich
John and Mary Sullivan
Theresa Ann Kelsey
Vincent Kelsey
Adam Kelsey
Alene McFadden
Sean McFadden
Chris Seezox
Arleen Seezox
Don Willliams
Deborah Mackey
Tim Cooper
Corene Cooper
Jene Donor Goss
Steve Alameda
Maria Zapien
April Marco
May Marco
Ken Reilley
Robert Gabovda
James Marshall
Susan Elena MArshall
Cris Abel
Patricia ABel
Doris Yee
Amir Shah
Crystal Moran
Yvette Moran
Ms Rolanda Gaza
Kim Davis
John Whitehouse
Barbara WHitehhouse
Anna Whitehouse
Lisa Whitehouse
Ramesh Suman
Ron Suman
Diana Agurto
Luis Agurto
Carlos Agurto
Alejandra Agurto
Diane Elizabeth Agurto
Adrienne Lisa Sturgis
Anita Ramos
Priscilla Ramos
Taneka Thesun
Josie Monaghan
Joe Nunez
Troy Nunez
Doreen Nunez
Allison Hibbard
Laura Hibbard
Michael Hibbard
Gerald Mc Collough
Norma Mc Cullough
Phillip West
Susan West