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Contra Costa County, CA | November 4, 2008 Election |
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Disaster PreparednessBy Robert "Bob" LarsenCandidate for Council Member; City of Orinda |
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Disaster planning from a public health perspective.I recently attended a presentation by the engineer Tom Chan, a member of the Orinda Public Safety Advisory Commission. The Orinda Chamber of Commerce sponsored this update on disaster preparedness. It was very informative for merchants & small businesses. As a physician with a Masters in Public Health from U.C.Berkeley, I support disaster preparedness in Orinda. A list of volunteer physicians, nurses & crisis counselors should be established. A major earthquake on the Hayward Fault will likely disable Highway 24 for 1-4 weeks according to Mr. Chan. There will be injuries. There may not be access to hospitals & emergency facilities for some time after a Big Quake. We must be prepared to take care of ourselves. A clinician roster, a cache of medical supplies & designated triage sites should be established expeditiously. Orindans and other Contra Costa County residents need a flu vaccination program. 100 million people died in the Pandemic of 1918 when the world's population was far less than today. The Centers for Disease Control have forecast millions will die or become disabled should Avian flu hit the North American continent & we are unprepared. Better to be safe than sorry. A program for vaccinating our older residents, those with respiratory conditions & public safety officers should be established now. The flu season is approaching. Our community through active planning should pledge that mismanagement of a disaster like Katrina will never happen in Orinda, Lamorinda or Contra Costa County. Thank you for your consideration, Dr. Bob Larsen, Orinda resident. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 30, 2008 11:49
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