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El Dorado County, CA | November 4, 2008 Election |
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Choosing to RunBy Bonnie L. NeeleyCandidate for Director; Georgetown Divide Public Utility District; Seat 4 |
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Summary of achievements and philosophy regarding public service.To Divide Tax-payers and GDPUD Customers: This is to announce my candidacy for Doug Pickell's seat on the Georgetown Divide Public Utilities District, Seat #4 (GDPUD). I ask for your vote in November. Sept 18, the Georgetown Gazette published an article describing the public's angry reaction at GDPUD's pending rate increase hearing on Sept. 9. Although many people spoke at the hearing and more than 800 protested by letter, the GDPUD Board voted unanimously to increase rates. The irrigation water rates were especially onerous. I have been concerned about GDPUD's high costs for years, especially in a community with a very high number of retired folks with limited incomes. As a member of the Garden Club, the Grange and the Historical Society (as manager of the daffy fund-raising and planting) I have come to know those who make the Divide special through their hard work and commitment to community. I often feel a responsibility to speak for those who are fearful. In fact, two years ago, I ran against Joanne Shepherd, lost, but did get 42% of the votes. Obviously Joanne is popular with the ratepayers. Now, I try to unseat Doug Pickell, who has served as board director since 2000 and has received about $24,000 in stipends and is covered by health and dental benefits, which adds about another $800-1000/month to our water costs. Although he campaigned in 2000 to serve as a `shepherd" of our dollars, the record shows that he has voted for every rate increase, every Board benefit increase, and for the high compensation package for the General Manager. In spite of the large number of protest letters (over 800) against the proposed rate increase, Director Pickell voted on September 9, 2008 to approve the rate increase, which was unanimously passed. I have not found one ratepayer whom Director Pickell queried or informed about GDPUD business, i.e., ag water, rate increases, Board benefits, annual operating budget. I have attended about 95% of Board meetings since 2000 and have always used the Public Forum section to express my dismay at continuing high costs, especially staff and Board pay and to urge night meetings. With the lack of a daily paper, the Divide is a hard place to keep informed about various issues impacting people's well-being...much of the time, the public isn't even aware that an important vote may be taking place. I have emailed neighbors when an important vote is being considered; I have put up notices if a special hearing has been scheduled, I notify people when an important issue is under advisement. I firmly believe that all District business be transparent, that voters should have all the facts before they make a decision. I find it important to make the time to help distribute information. For example, the District did an "irrigation survey" several years ago because several of us had urged it. Hundreds of survey forms were received. District staff didn't have time to tabulate the data, so I told Director Krizl that I would do it. It took six+ hours, but I felt the information was important to Board and staff, and the public. I thought it important that the kinds of feedback GDPUD received...from glowing to made public. I find the District's reluctance to make documents public, even when mandated by State law, troubling. I don't deny GDPUD has done much good work, what I do object to is the cost at which it is done. Someone needs to be willing to try and put the brakes on continually raising costs. And, if you vote for me, I will come cheaply! As a retiree of the University of California, I have comprehensive Kaiser and Delta Dental insurance...and you will save $900-$1000+ per month. Remember, board members receive $400 per month and Blue Cross, dental and optical. If you feel you haven't received full value for your dwindling dollars, then consider me. I will always have the higher good of the community as my goal. Bonnie Neeley, 333-2643, 5570 Reservoir Road, Georgetown, CA 95634 PS: my campaign is bare bones; do you have $2 you can put in an envelope? Much appreciated. Just because someone has the financing to paper the Divide, does not mean they are the best candidate! |
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