This information is provided by the candidate
Pete Mehas, Former Supt., Fresno Co. Schools
Larry Moore, Supt., Fresno Co. Schools
Jack O'Connell, State Supt. of Schools
Chuck McCully, Former Supt. of Fresno USD
Carlos Garcia, Former Supt of Fresno USD
Nancy Richardson, Luisa Medina, Dick Johanson, Mike O'Hare, & Bill Riddlesprigger, Former FUSD Board members
Judge Eugene Krumb
Les & Pauline Kimber
Central Labor Council
Walt Buster, Former Supt. Clovis USD & Interim Supt. Fresno USD
Pete Weber, Former CEO
Fresno Citizens for Good Government
Ed Kashian, CEO
Paul Dictos, CPA
Mike Foley, CEO of Valley Small Business Development Corp.
Venancio Gaona and individual members of El Concilio
Michael & Marilyn Wilhelm
Robert & Ellen Patton
Kathy Bray, Denham Resources
Samuel Reeves, CEO
Octavia Diener, CEO
Cedric Reese, CEO
Violet Heinz
Gloria Watts
Merlene & Richard Samuelian
Dr. Jacques & Suzanne Benninga
Dr. Cecilio Orozco
Dr. Andrew Alvarado
Henry Perea, Co. Supervisor
Peter Vang
Frank Quintana