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Humboldt County, CA | November 4, 2008 Election |
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Arcata Plaza and the HomelessBy Michael WinklerCandidate for Council Member; City of Arcata |
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"Tough Love" approach for dealing with the homeless that combines compassion with firmnessThe Plaza and the homeless are the most visible and frequently mentioned problem in Arcata. Many homeless individuals suffer from substance abuse and mental illness. Other individuals are perceived as either, unable or unwilling, to contribute to society. A smaller group, not limited to the homeless population, is perceived as threatening and dangerous. Although humans do not fit into neat categories, a simplified way to view this situation is to apply one of four areas. The first is people with physical and mental disabilities who need to be helped permanently. They should be directed to the proper treatment centers and provided with medication to improve their condition. The second is people who are temporarily homeless due to back luck, unwise choices, or problems with alcohol and drugs. Some may have fled violent situations and are homeless as the only avenue to escape abuse. This group is motivated to get back into the system, but they need help. They should be connected with temporary housing, such as the Arcata House, and provided with appropriate counseling. There should also be an education program to assist with reintegration. I recommend they be connected with employment services that offer training in resume writing for alternative backgrounds and teach interviewing skills. The third category is those who are able, but unmotivated to work. I believe we need to take a "tough love" approach here. Those individuals should be given very limited benefits, with further benefits contingent on changes in behavior. We should consider a screened day-labor program to employ homeless, and in return provide useful services for businesses and homeowners. The fourth category includes people who are physically threatening others. Some reported behaviors include verbal threats, intimidation, physical assaults, and following people when they refuse to give money. These individuals are engaging in criminal behavior and are a law enforcement issue. The police are capable of dealing with these individuals if they are given adequate staffing. This site and all content |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 30, 2008 16:06
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