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Bruce Delgado served on Marina City Council from 2000-2004 and narrowly lost election as Mayor of Marina in 2004 by only 69 votes. While on City Council he served 4 years as a director of the Monterey Salinas Transit, and 2 years as the City Council liaison to Marina's Planning Commission. Bruce was instrumental in bringing the Farmer's Market to Marina, and he is serving his
5th year as its treasurer. Bruce has served as a director for the Monterey Bay Youth Camp since 1996. Bruce is also serving his 5th year as President for a Marina-based non-profit called the Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund.
Bruce, a California native, was born in 1961 and grew up 30 miles from Los Angeles. He graduated in 1990 from northern California's Humboldt State University and received the Senior Man of the Year Award for his volunteer community service while a student. Bruce has lived in Marina since 1996 and has continued to work on Fort Ord as a Natural Lands Manager and biologist
since that time. In 2007 Bruce was awarded California's Land Manager of the Year Award by the California Invasive Plant Council. Bruce's experience has given him an insider's look Fort Ord reuse issues and brings a deep understanding of Fort Ord's issues and challenges to Bruce's leadership in