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Monterey County, CA November 4, 2008 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for William "Bill" Sabo

Candidate for
Board Member; Monterey Peninsula Airport District

This information is provided by the candidate

-- Maintain the financial health of the airport as a self-supporting Tax-Free entity.

-- Retain our existing airlines and acquire new flight service at reasonable fares.

-- Assure that the airport works effectively and cooperatively to support our visitor industry.

-- Provide a world class airport passenger service experience reflecting our hospitality industry.

-- Ensure fair and equitable treatment of all airport tenants.

-- Assure the development and execution of Strategic Plan Objectives for airport development.

-- Increase Central Coast and Monterey County citizen awareness and use of the airport.

-- Enhance airport and fixed base operator cooperation and marketing.

-- Emphasize noise control and maintain open communications with airport neighbors.

-- Assure equitable treatment and retention of airport staff.

-- Maintain a fair collective bargaining process with airport bargaining units.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 11, 2008 09:39
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