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I am a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel with almost 32 years of service on active duty and in the reserves. I served as an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam. I currently work as an Army civilian on JFTB, Los Alamitos and am a member of the Legislative, and Military Affairs Committees there. I also serve on the Board of Directors for the Greater LA Chapter of the Association of the US Army and am the National Councilman for California to the Reserve Officers Association. I also serve as the US chair on the Civil-Military Integration Committee for NATO Reserve Officers. For several years I have been an active member in Ed Royce's Congressional Club.
In my civilian position I manage the stationing of Army Reserve units in the nine Western States with a staff which has numbered 13 and a budget over $2 million.
I had ancestors who came to America on the Mayflower and others who arrived in California while it was still part of Mexico. I was born in Los Angeles and am a fourth generation native Californian. I have a MA degree from CSUF in communications and am completing a DM degree in Organizational Leadership from University of Phoenix.
I have lived in Rossmoor since 1990, and have been active in Rossmoor Planning Committee. I believe the best, most efficient way we can preserve our current status is having a responsible, local government.