This information is provided by the candidate
The following partial list of public officials and organizations endorse Rod Brewer for the Cosumnes Community Services District Board of Directors--
Sacramento Area Firefighters, Local 522-Cosumnes Firefighters
California Nurses Association
Elk Grove Police Officers Association
Sacramento Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3, District 80
The Harry S. Truman Democratic Club
Hon. Vic Fazio, U.S. House of Representatives (retired 1998)
Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis
Elk Grove City Councilman Jim Cooper
Sacramento City Councilman Kevin McCarty
Former Sacramento County Sheriff Lou Blanas
Former State Senator Kevin Murray (termed 2006)
State Senator Dean Florez
State Senator Mike Machado
State Senator Gil Cedillo
State Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas
Former State Assemblywoman Sarah Reyes (termed 2004)
State Assemblyman Curren Price
Sacramento Municipal Utilities District Supervisor Genevieve Shiroma
Sacramento Municipal Utilities District Supervisor Howard Posner
Sacramento County Board of Education Member John Scribner
Natomas Unified School Board Trustee Lisa M. Kaplan