The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Board's Role,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What experience and training would you bring to this office?
Answer from Chad Walsh:
I started my academic life at a community college. When I was 17 years old, I was on my own, working for minimum wage, and had no opportunity to go to a 4-year University to pursue my goal of becoming an electrical engineer. Community colleges opened the door to academia and economic opportunity for me and many others like me.
I bring to the trustee position a deep appreciation for the community college system together with over 15 years of professional and public experience, which includes leadership roles in a Fortune 500 company (National Semiconductor), founding and operating a technology related business, teaching part-time, working on the Board of Directors for the Community College Advancement Foundation, and many other activities.
Answer from Wade Ellis:
I have been a District Academic Senate President and chair of a Master Planning Committee and a member of the most recent Facilities and Educational Master Plan. I have been a frequent member of the West Valley Academic Senate over my 32 year teaching career at West Valley College. In addition, I have served on National Committees of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Committee.
2. What do you see as the role of the Board in labor negotiations?
Answer from Chad Walsh:
The role of a trustee in labor negotiations is to set policy for the district and to ensure that the negotiation process proceeds in a positive and constructive manner to promote and advance such policies, which include attracting and retaining the best employees for the district, the students, and the community commensurate with available district resources.
Answer from Wade Ellis:
The Board should insist on dignified and respectful negotiations. The Board should create the policy and direction for the negotiators, but should not micro-manage the negotiations. However, the Board should exercise its fiduciary responsibility in making the final decisions about labor negotiations.
3. What are your goals for the college? Are students, faculty and staff currently meeting those goals?
Answer from Chad Walsh:
My goals for the WVMCCD are as follows:
- foster goodwill and a "team approach" across the board of trustees, the administration, the faculty, the non-faculty employees of the district, and members of the community;
- address and overcome the current financial issues facing the district in a fair, equitable, constructive, and responsible manner;
- set goals, verify results, and strive for excellence in all areas;
- drive marketing and increase enrollment to overcome at least some of the district's financial issues;
- find alternative solutions to overcome the high cost of textbooks;
- monitor and improve transfer opportunities with 4-year Universities;
- monitor and improve student access to education for all members of our community;
- improve the trust and morale of the faculty to continue to attract and retain the best instructors for our students and community;
- continue to update and modernize the colleges' course offerings to bring economic opportunities to our students and the community by capitalizing on new emerging business areas (e.g., green technologies and others);
- strengthen ties to large and small businesses in the community to promote economic opportunity.
The Board must provide leadership in all of these areas, and others, to continue to promote and foster an environment of Educational Excellence.
Answer from Wade Ellis:
The district should continue to provide high quality education for transfer and the workplace while carefully controlling costs. The faculty, staff, and administration are currently well aware of the financial difficulties of the state and the nation and are dedicated to managing their budgets.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or
corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.