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I have very strong opinions about eminent domain. I don't feel the government should be allowed to appropriate private property. I will do all possible to prevent this from happening in our city. I also hold another issue very close to the chest that many of our citizens don't know about. Campbell has the highest number of recorded reports of domestic violence in Santa Clara County. I would like to create an outreach group for our current and past victims of domestic violence. If elected as your council member I have three main pledges: 1. Creating growth and development while maintaining our historic presence and small-town character. 2. Keeping us safe. 3. Creating a more robust local economy. But the job does not stop there. Even though I am not elected, about 90% of my free time is spent in our downtown and around our city. Police ride-alongs, meetings with the city staff down at city hall. Volunteering to the merchants to make sure that the day goes smoothly. Whatever I can do to expand my knowledge of our city's infrastructure to help me be a better council member for the community.