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The recent fires near and in our community, as well as on-going emergency medical care, continue to emphasize the importance of the Deer Springs Fire Protection District Board of Directors. The Board has the authority and responsibility to establish and enforce the rules and regulations for the fire protection, rescue services, and emergency and ambulance services for our district. I was appointed by the Board of Supervisors to complete a vacated term on the Board that will end in January 2009. I am now a candidate on the November 2008 ballot for a four-year term. I can continue to move our Board to be progressive in meeting the challenges ahead. I have demonstrated experience, district-wide leadership, and fiscal responsibility while on the Board would like to continue to serve my community.
Fires will be a continuous threat to the Deer Springs community and to our entire county. In anticipation of the next fire, I hope to prepare our district to protect lives and property through prudent planning and allocation of available resources.