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Full Biography for Kathleen Sterling
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Ms. Sterling, native Californian and fifth generation San Diegan, attended local schools and graduated from Helix High School in La Mesa during the turbulent sixties. A personal life changing experience catapulted Kathleen to stand up and make a difference. She began to EDUCATE CONSUMERS about their RIGHTS and PROTECTIONS in an effort to make POSITIVE CHANGES at the local welfare office where both health and welfare policies were inconsistent with federal and state rules and regulations. The San Diego County Welfare Rights Organization was in its infancy and growing. Soon thereafter, the County Board of Supervisors appointed Kathleen to the County Headstart Parent Policy Council. She never forgot why she was on the Council or the parents and children for whom she represented. Since those early days, Ms. Sterling life's work has continued to bring CONSUMERS' VOICES, CONCERNS, CONFIDENCE AND VALUES before the various federal, state, regional and local boards and committees as an appointee. Ms. Sterling reflects that things have not changed much over the years for CONSUMERS at health and medical care related meetings traditionally dominated by health providers, "today things have not changed very much typically, I am usually one of two or three persons to ADVOCATE for CONSUMERS concerns or needs." Over the years, Kathleen has earned the respect of many health and medical care professionals, academicians, activists, county health and welfare officers, and legislatures with bipartisan efforts to improve the health delivery system. [Please refer to attached supplemental listing of professional and personal comments made about her work] All the while, Kathleen has never abandoned her MORAL CODE of WHAT IS RIGHT in the PLIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to obtain AFFORDABLE, ACCESSIBLE, and OPTIMUM QUALITY health and medical care services. Very early in her career of CONSUMER ADVOCACY, Ms. Sterling's work was acknowledged. She founded, directed, and developed a California, GRASSROOTS-ADVOCACY, and CONSUMER-EDUCATION ORGANIZATION. This organization received, under the Carter Administration, Esther Peterson, Director, Department of Consumer Affairs special recognition for its grassroots organizational structure, development and effectiveness as a "Model Advocacy & Community Education Organization." Over the years, Ms. Sterling continued to help people as an "AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE" at administrative entitlement hearings. She has educated, AUDITED and PROVIDED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE to health providers to ensure their COMPLIANCE with MEDICARE, MEDI-CAL, and 3rd PARTY REIMBURSEMENT and MANAGED CARE programs. OUTCOMES resulted in PROVIDER FULFILLMENT and DELIVERY of public health and medical care services. Ms. Sterling was called upon by the FEDERAL government to ASSESS California's INTERPRETATION and IMPLEMENTATION of the MEDICARE and MEDICAID legislation to ensure California's COMPLIANCE with FEDERAL RULES and REGULATIONS in respect to THIRD PARTY REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS. Her research findings assisted the Department to PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE to health PROVIDERS enabling the Department to ENSURE ACCESS to medical care for all healthcare CONSUMERS, including the MOST DISADVANTAGED POPULATIONS. During this period, Ms. Sterling was contacted and asked by California's GOVERNOR to consider an APPOINTMENT by Ms. Beverlee Myers, Director of Department of Health Services to represent CONSUMERS on the Advisory Committee of Health and Medical Care Services (federal Medicaid mandate). The purpose of the Committee was to make recommendations to the Department on the Medi-Cal program including prepaid health plans in the following areas of concerns: 1) Policy development and program administration; 2) Proposed legislation; 3) Specific program activities and problems in local jurisdictions; and 4) Program improvements. Kathleen Sterling rolled up her sleeves to help when CALLED UPON BY THE PEOPLE, believing she could indeed MAKE A DIFFERENCE. A single parent, she would bring her daughter to the meetings in order to fulfill her COMMITMENT TO THE PEOPLE, Kathleen maintained PERFECT ATTENDANCE, "The issues are too great for CONSUMERS not to have a VOICE." Recalling, Kathleen said, "Often times the meeting rooms are filled with health and medical care providers from all sectors of the industry but more often than not very few CONSUMERS or CONSUMER related organizations are in attendance or at the table." In addition to her role on the Advisory Committee she represented CONSUMERS on its standing subcommittees: Alternative Health Delivery Systems, Long Term Care, Medical Data, and Finance. Her LEADERSHIP representing CONSUMERS guided the state's effort to restructure California's health delivery system in 1982 known as "Medi-Cal Reform." Subsequent to these events, Ms. Sterling received a full tuition grant based on her life achievements as a "New Resources" returning student to attend Pitzer College. This opportunity afforded her to continue her research and work for CONSUMERS in HEALTHCARE ADMINISTRATION and PUBLIC POLICY. During her attendance at the Claremont Colleges, she met her undergraduate requirements by completing course work at Pomona College, Claremont McKenna College, and Scripps College and received special permission to attend the Peter F. Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate School. Since she received her degree, Ms. Sterling has not stood idol watching the crumble of the health system. STERLING has continued her COMMITMENT to CONSUMERS by bringing EXPERTISE to ASSIST various county, state, regional and federal agencies as well as non-profit and for-profit organizations as a Consultant in the healthcare field. Her research and findings have been presented before appropriate settings. STERLING has been recognized for her LEADERSHIP, COMMITMENT, and DEDICATION for bringing the VOICE OF CONSUMERS to the dais FOR POSITIVE CHANGE. A partial list of Kathleen's accomplishments follows:
STERLING TRAVELED and EVALUATED Norway's medical care and health delivery system, Ms. Sterling MADE RECOMMENDATIONS USEFUL in Norway's efforts to RESTRUCTURE their health delivery system. The Norwegian government and her international colleagues expressed their personal interest and gratitude for her INSIGHT. Specifically, they acknowledged INTEREST to SUPPORT the INCORPORTATION of CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT with health and medical professionals at the table when DEVELOPING PUBLIC POLICY. Her colleagues who were LEADERS in their home countries EXPRESSED when they returned they planned on IMPLEMENTING POLICIES to ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION in an effort to FIND SOLUTIONS to the many CHALLENGES that confronted them. All agreed ACTIVE CONSUMER PARTICIPATION in the DECISION MAKING PROCESS and INCREASING CONSUMER EDUCATION would make for HEALTHIER OUTCOMES. After returning home to San Diego, California, Ms. Sterling VOLUNTEERED under VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) to ASSIST the California State Library and the County of Los Angeles Public Library's Literacy Program after the Northridge 1994 earthquake. For three years Ms. Sterling COORDINATED local efforts to REBUILD the library-literacy program for northern Los Angeles County area. For her DEDICATION, and COMMITMENT, the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and the County Public Library RECOGNIZED Ms. Sterling as 1997 "VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR." After her tour of duty Ms. Sterling returned home to the San Diego area, Oceanside. In 1998, Ms. Sterling, continued her work for CONSUMERS & PATIENTS. She was elected to the State of California, County of San Diego's TRI-CITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS. TRI-CITY HOSPITAL (HEALTHCARE) DISTRICT includes Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista and Camp Pendleton communities with a population of over 375,000 residents. STERLING'S campaign COMMITMENT to CONSUMERS, unseated a sixteen-year incumbent with 55 percent of the voter turnout Ms. Sterling CAPTURED 63 percent of the votes. In 2002, she lost re-election bid by a mere 125 votes, which was an unfortunate lost for CONSUMERS! Physicians, Employees, and CONSUMERS asked KATHLEEN STERLING to RECONSIDER and RUN again for the BOARD because there is a tremendous NEED to bring back INTEGRITY, ETHICS, and COMPLIANCE with ALL the LAWS and REGULATIONS to ensure TRI-CITY remains a VIABLE, FISCALLY SOLVENT and INDEPENDENT PUBLIC HOSPITAL attentive to the COMMUNITY'S NEEDS! Kathleen Sterling is DEDICATED to CONSUMERS' EFFORTS. She believes she can bring an assembly of FAIRNESS, REASONABLENESS and IMPARTIALITY to the TRI-CITY HEALTHCARE (HOSPITAL) BOARD while being a GOOD STEWARD of the DISTRICT'S ASSETS. For these reasons STERLING made the decision to run again and capture a seat for CONSUMERS' VOICES TO BE HEARD! Sterling will CONTINUE TO ASK the HARD QUESTIONS to ENSURE ACCOUNTABILITY, AFFORDABILITY, ACCESSABILITY, AND OPTIMUM QUALITY CARE FOR ALL. CIVIC AFFILIATIONS:
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 15, 2008 10:09
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