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Our city is facing a crisis. Middle-class families are leaving in greater numbers every year, and the gap is widening between those with good opportunities and those who have been failed by the system. At the core of both issues is the uneven quality of our schools. While San Francisco is home to some of the best urban schools in the state, it is also home to some of the worst. And with a school assignment process that is lengthy and opaque, middle-class families are often not willing to gamble with their kids' futures in the lottery system. Instead they choose to leave. Families with the fewest resources simply don't have the tools to engage in the system at all and are doomed to attend the poorest-performing schools, reinforcing cycles of poverty. Until we come together as a city and see that these are not separate issues but the same fundamental problem of ensuring we have a great school in every neighborhood, we will fail. But together we can work to lift all schools, students, and families and make San Francisco a great place for everyone to live and raise a family.