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San Joaquin County, CA
November 4, 2008 Election
Linda S. Nash
Candidate for
Trustee; Linden Unified School District; Trustee Area 5
The information on this page is provided by the candidate.
The LWV neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate.
Biographical Highlights
Occupation: Community Volunteer/Homemaker
Past & Present Teacher/Parent Club President at Glenwood Elementary.
School Site Council Member at Glenwood Elementary 2006- Current
Chairmen of family Nights, Book Fair, Back-to-School BBQ, & Field day at Glenwood Elementery
Classroom Volunteer from 2000- Current
Educated in Stockton Unified & San Joaquin Delta College
Top Priorities if Elected
Evaluate and help create a plan to motivate our students and teachers to achieve higher State Test scores.
Improve the relationship between the School Board, Administration, Staff and Community.
Use my knowledge of how site councils benefit each school and use those benfits to help guide the Boards in it's decision making process.
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The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any candidate or political party.
Statements have not been checked for accuracy by the League of Women Voters. Spelling and grammatical errors have not been corrected.
Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 27, 2008 13:58
Smart Voter
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