The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Climate Change,
Health Coverage,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What, if anything, do you believe the federal government should do to control global climate change?
Answer from Jacquese Conaway:
The federal government needs to talk with all nations to try and find ways to reduce harmful emissions and if possible utilize our treaty relationships with trading partners to create mutual ramp down of emissions, accelerate fuel efficiency standards for autos and trucks (require faster phase ins), encourage development of wind and solar to reduce our dependecies on fossil fuels for power.
2. What should the federal government do, if anything, to ensure that every American has health coverage?
Answer from Jacquese Conaway:
Everyone who needs it, should have it. First there are too many duplicative and overlapping federal programs. Consolidating the federal plans would save money which could be used to expand existing coverage. Second, with the ending of the war in Iraq, we should have more than enough money to provide care for all that need it through the same plan that members of congress enjoy. Private plans can stay in place. Union plans can stay in place. They should have option rights to buy into the same plan that members of congress have at the same cost if they want it.
3. What, if anything, should the federal government do about immigration?
Answer from Jacquese Conaway:
Provide a citizenship track that is fair, efficient and which protects us against foreign countries dumping their undesirables here (criminals, addicts, the chronically ill). Illegal immigration is encouraged by employers that hire illegals. When those employers are found, they should be fined and forced to pay the costs incurred by INS and fined an appropriate amount to deter such future hiring practices. The fines (over and above INS enforcement costs) should be put into an account to help states that are forced to provide emergency medical care to indigent illegals that end up in our hospitals.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.