The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Missouri and asked of all candidates for this office.
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Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your Qualifications for Office? (200 word limit)
Answer from Jeremiah W. "Jay" Nixon:
After 16 years as Attorney General, I have the experience it takes to bring about the change Missouri families need. I've cracked down on crime, protected consumers and run a fiscally responsible office. Last year, we saved or generated more than $20 for every dollar appropriated to our office. To protect Missouri consumers, we've aggressively taken on the HMOs and wealthy special interests. We've saved the taxpayers more than $2 billion by going after greedy corporations that take advantage of regular folks, and our popular No Call Program is now as a model for the rest of the nation. I've worked closely with law enforcement to keep our streets safe and protect our communities.
As Governor, I'll work to keep good-paying jobs here in our state and attract new employers. As a product of Missouri's public schools, I believe public education needs to be strengthened, and I will oppose all efforts to weaken our public schools with voucher schemes. We must fix our broken health care system, and that starts with restoring the 2005 health care cuts and ensuring access to quality, affordable health care for more Missourians.
Answer from Andrew W. "Andy" Finkenstadt:
I bring a unique perspective to the office: I am a software engineer. Politicians and lawyers look at a problem and tend to say "This needs study; this needs a law." I say, "We have too many laws already." Engineers don't just study a problem or pass another law, they SOLVE them.
I bring to the citizens of Missouri more than 20 years of experience in creating solutions that actually work, and that maximize your personal liberty. When I am elected Governor on November 4th, there will be a new way of doing business in Jefferson City.
And it will be truly revolutionary.
Answer from Kenny Hulshof:
As a small business owner and family farmer, I understand the challenges Missourians face each day. I've prosecuted some of the states' most high-profile death penalty cases as a special prosecutor in the Attorney General's office and as a Member of Congress, fought for tax relief, ethics and other government reforms.
Answer from Gregory E. Thompson:
I am a former Superintendent of Schools with leadership positions locally and at the state level. I have been a problems solver with every leadership position and have handled multi-million dollar budgets, for the good of children, staff, and community. I have served on school board. I have led a national ministry from coast to coast to bring awareness and help people begin to stand in harms way for the children and families, helping protect them from the moral decay and corruption in our government, and other parts of society. There are many hurting people, and I have been given a gift to lead and help solve the problems of our chidren and families.
2. What plans do you have to address your top three priorities? (100 word limit)
Answer from Andrew W. "Andy" Finkenstadt:
I will submit a "belt-tightening" budget to the legislatures and veto any line items that increase it beyond what was requested. I will curtail departments which do not add value to individual liberties. I will work with the legislature to reduce taxes for all Missourians: poor, middle-class and the rich alike, in total fairness.
Answer from Jeremiah W. "Jay" Nixon:
To turn this economy around, I will work to keep good-paying jobs in Missouri and provide tax cuts to the folks who need them most. I will focus on supporting small businesses and rejuvenating local Main Streets. I will fight to restore health care to the 400,000 Missourians who had it slashed in 2005 and expand access to the 127,000 Missouri children living without health insurance. With tuition in Missouri skyrocketing, I have a plan to provide a pathway to a debt-free college degree for middle-class students who earn good grades and give back to the community.
Answer from Gregory E. Thompson:
Restore our sovereignty to the proper order as put forth by the Founders of this nation, God, people, state, and nation. Constitutionally restricting the Federal Government intrusions into the lives of the people. Working to make sure that the government does not protect the murder of innocent human life. Restoring the choice for parents in the education of their young. Many great things can happen for the people when I put together a team of statesmen that are not politicians with ulterior motives. Working with true patriots that seek the wisdom of God in their decisions instead of special interest groups, lobbyists, and those seeking power and greed for themselves. A return to government serving the people, instead of the people serving the government.
Answer from Kenny Hulshof:
These challenges will require leadership that offers bold and innovative solutions. I have offered 40 detailed solutions. Space does not allow for that list here, but you can find all the details at
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits apply for each question. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.