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Political Philosophy for William C. "Bill" Haas
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This I Believe The following was my submission to National Public Radio's segment called "This I Believe". It was not accepted for broadcast, but is on their website. It should tell you more about who I think I am, what I believe, and more about me personally. I hope you find it helpful and informative. "I'm 63, but feel younger. My life has had some advantages, and I've had my share of joys - Yale College, Harvard Law School, 20 years of corporate law practice, and 8 years on the St. Louis School Board that I enjoyed and did well at. And I think I'm reasonably attractive, good-hearted, athletic, and well-adjusted, or at least sane. I'm a pretty good swimmer and runner, and a good dancer. I have many wonderful pets in heaven and a few left here on earth. They bring me joy and love every day. My dog kicks my butt in running, and I like that. It keeps me moving. Mummy the 3-legged cat has had her share of adventures, but never loses heart and always comes back for more. But my life ambitions are not fulfilled and often it looks like they never will be. But I've never stopped pursuing my dreams, and presumably never will. As I always say, if you just do your best every day to be the best you can be, and never give up, you'll get where you're supposed to be going. That's the theory, anyhow. On the days it's hardest to believe that, it's probably the most important to do so. At the very least, it does no harm. That's my belief. Since I was an adult, more than thirty years, I've only wanted two important things out of life: significant success in politics, which I have long believed I have gifts for, and a good love with a woman. I have neither. Most days it looks like I never will. Sometimes I think that God will give me my dreams, but I'll be 97 at the time. Well, if that's the plan, so be it. It's hard to argue with the plan. Hopefully there is one for all of us. This I believe. Sadly, most people, or at least many people, don't get their dreams in life. That's why I always say it's my dream to be successful in politics - to make other people's more simple dreams come true. Significant public service and love - if I had to choose one, which would I choose? Sometimes I don't know, but sometimes I do. Love - maybe she needs me more than politics does. This I believe. And if I never get my dreams? Then all the lessons I've learned in this life are to prepare me better for the next one. This I believe, too. But I'll still be sad in this one." Postscript, update: I currently have in my life a very good friend who means much to me, and I'm going to win this race. So my so-called life seems to be changing, doesn't it? It's about time. Quotes "I'll always try my best to make you proud." Bill Haas "Leadership is action not position" Bill Haas and others "You better lose yourself in the music, the moment. You own it. Never let it go." Eminem "Ducunt volentum fata, nolentem trahunt." (Fate leads the willing, drags the unwilling.) Seneca "Faith is born of complete engagement in human conduct." Bonhofer, Lutheran philosopher who died in a Nazi concentration camp. "One day you will have a fork in the road, and you're going to have to make a decision about which direction you want to go. If you go [one] way, you can be somebody. You will have to make compromises and you will have to turn your back on your friends. But you will be a member of the club and you will get promoted and get good assignments. Or you can go [the other] way and you can do something - something for your country and for your Air Force and for yourself . If you decide to do something, you may not get promoted and you may not get good assignments and you certainly will not be a favorite of your superiors. But you won't have to compromise yourself . To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That's when you have to make a decision. To be or to do" Legendary Air Force maverick, the late Col. John R. Boyd "Genocide is not an Olympic event." [referring to China's support of Sudan's assault on Darfur] St. Louis Post Dispatch "I figure I'm here, so I might as well try to swim fast." Michael Phelps after setting world record in his first prelim of the 2004 Olympic trials "If you're not taking flak, you're not over the target." US Air Force |
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