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Los Angeles County, CA February 24, 2009 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Dave Golonski

Candidate for
Member of the City Council; City of Burbank

This information is provided by the candidate

In these times of unprecedented economic challenges, we need experienced leadership more than ever. After this election, no one else on the Burbank City Council will have served more than 3 years. This makes it vitally important that our next council have one member with the understanding and experience to keep our city fiscally sound. I am proud of having played an integral role in making sure that Burbank has had balanced budgets with responsible economic policies.

I have been at the forefront of establishing and supporting youth and senior programs, neighborhood protection and violence prevention in our schools. I have worked diligently to turn gang-impacted areas into thriving and positive neighborhoods and continue to work to use that model in more neighborhoods.

I will continue to promote cutting-edge environmental practices, prudent infrastructure investment, strong city services and prevention of airport expansion. I have worked to strengthen our economic base while maintaining our quality of life and small town feel + keeping our city vital while being focused on traffic and parking issues.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 5, 2009 22:05
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