- Allows the state lottery to be modernized to improve its performance with increased payouts, improved
marketing, and effective management.
- Requires the state to maintain ownership of the lottery and authorizes additional accountability measures.
- Protects funding levels for schools currently provided by lottery revenues.
- Increased lottery revenues will be used to address current budget deficit and reduce the need for additional
tax increases and cuts to state programs.
- Impact on 2009-10 State Budget: Allows $5 billion of borrowing from future lottery profits to help balance
the 2009-10 state budget.
- Impact on Future State Budgets: Debt-service payments on the lottery borrowing and higher payments to
education would likely make it more difficult to balance future state budgets. This impact would be lessened
by potentially higher lottery profits. Additional lottery borrowing would be allowed.
- A YES vote on this measure means:
- The
state would be allowed to
borrow $5 billion from future
lottery profits to help balance
the 2009-10 state budget, as
well as borrow additional funds
later. The California Lottery
would have greater flexibility
to increase its sales and profits.
Lottery payments to educational
institutions would end, and
the state General Fund would
increase its payments to education
to make up for the loss of these
lottery funds.
- A NO vote on this measure means:
- The state would
not be able to borrow from
lottery profits to help balance the
state budget. The lottery would
continue to operate as it does
today, with profits dedicated to
- Summary of Arguments FOR Proposition 1C:
- Yes on Prop. 1C
LOTTERY and generates up
to $5 billion in new revenue--
without raising taxes. Prop. 1C
guarantees schools get the same
level of lottery funding as they do
now. Prop. 1C will help prevent
more tax hikes and deeper cuts to
public safety and schools.
- Summary of Arguments AGAINST Proposition 1C:
- A no vote on this measure
will leave the state lottery
as the voters intended when they
voted for Proposition 37 in 1984.
Funding to education by the state
lottery will not decrease or change
in any way.
- Contact FOR Proposition 1C:
- Budget Reform Now
(866) 978-3444
- Contact AGAINST Proposition 1C:
- Senator Bob Huff
1017 L Street #401
Sacramento, CA 95814
(909) 396-6474
For General Information on California State Budget Issues and All May 19th Propositions
- Go to California State Propositions Page
- More Information on 1C
Official Information
Secretary of State
Campaign Finance Data
Secretary of State
Nonpartisan Information
League of Women Voters
- In Depth
explanations of the measure, its provisions, fiscal effects, main arguments for and against, as well as a list of supporters and opponents.
- Easy Voter Guide
- Provides easy-to-read summary of what the proposition would do, its effect on the state budget, and what people for and against say.
Center for Governmental Studies and Easy Voter Guide
News and Analysis
KQED-FM Public Radio
Google News Search
- News coverage of Proposition 1C
- Note: This link to an external resource is offered strictly as a convenience for users interested in coverage by outside news organizations. The content is provided by organizations unaffiliated with Smart Voter and its partners, and no endorsement of any views expressed or guarantee of its accuracy is intended or implied.
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