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Westchester County, NY | May 19, 2009 Election |
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Position Paper Pleasantville BOE McCullaghBy David J. "Dave" McCullaghCandidate for Member, Board of Education; Pleasantville Union Free School District |
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David McCullagh, running for Board of Education for Pleasantville U.F.S.D., candidate overview and position on the major issues.David McCullagh, 55 Grandview Avenue, has lived in the District for 20 years. He and his wife Lisa have two daughters, an eighth grade student at Pleasantville Middle School and a junior at Pleasantville High School. Mr. McCullagh holds degrees from Boston College (B.A.) and New York University (M.B.A.). He has business experience in the fields of textbook publishing and executive management development and training. Since 1992, Mr. McCullagh and his wife have run their own business, Scarborough & Tweed, an international corporate gift and promotions company based in Pleasantville. Mr. McCullagh is completing his second three-year term on the Board of Education, serving the past two years as President. He also serves on the board High School Construction sub-committee, and has volunteered his time as coach for both AYSO and Dad's Club. Following is Mr. McCullagh's response to the question: What do you feel are the most important needs of the District and what thoughts or ideas do you have for addressing these needs? 1. To prepare our students to academically and emotionally meet the challenges of a rapidly changing, globally competitive marketplace. In order to do this, we need to further refine our ability to meet the individual learning needs of all our students and we need to continue to challenge our students, teachers and administrators so that our students can reach their maximum academic potential. We must also increase the financial literacy of all our students so they are better prepared to manage on their own as young adults. 2. To effectively manage our finances and lobby our legislators so we can meet student needs as well as the needs of our taxpayers. In order to do this, it is important to negotiate responsible employee contracts that recognize our current economic realities and the long-term need to rein in the cost of funding education. It is also important to develop a grassroots community effort to more effectively lobby our legislators in Albany so that we can fix the way that education is currently funded and take some of the burden off local taxpayers. There is also a need to further expand our alternative funding initiatives, as well as the consortium that we have developed with local school districts, to share services, reduce costs, and increase revenue when we have available space in our educational program. Finally, we should also increase our energy savings and "green" initiatives to save on expenses and conserve resources. In my tenure on the board, I have continued to be impressed with the caliber of our students. We have children who excel academically, in sports, in the arts and as humanitarians. I am most proud of the fact that Pleasantville as a school and a community fosters excellence in a variety of pursuits so that all of our children can shine in the areas where they have passion. We need to make sure our district maintains this culture of excellence so that we continue to develop great leaders, great people and great citizens. I want to thank the community for the faith and trust they have shown in me by electing me and for supporting our schools. |
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