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Political Philosophy for Mary D. Birks
Candidate for |
Issue Statement: By encouraging collaboration, innovation and creativity throughout the district, the School Board should expect results maximizing benefits to our students while minimizing costs to our taxpayers. I have the time and flexibility to devote to this position. I look forward to serving our community with a positive educated voice, a collaborative style of governance, and a willingness to do what is necessary for this district and community to thrive. It is our challenge to see the opportunities before us, use our resources wisely, and move this district forward so that our students are prepared for the global economy in this rapidly changing world. We find ourselves facing many issues in this District critical to the near and long-term future of our education system. The most visible issue continues to be the high school project. The School Board has a responsibility to engage the community throughout the project. As homeowners, we are all affected. This facility should be a gathering place for community members and groups, as well as being the "crown jewel" of the district's facilities. It will require serious Board oversight. We must continue to support the development of challenging curriculum. We rely on statistical data and best practices for our curriculum development. This leads to innovative curriculum choices for our students, allowing them to be even more competitive at the next level of their education, wherever that may lead. While most of the decisions about the budget, bond issues, construction bids, millage rates, are made at the local level, many of these issues actually stem from legislation, both State and Federal. I will work diligently with local lawmakers to ensure that the Mt. Lebanon School Board has a voice in Harrisburg, where legislation is passed affecting our tax dollars and our education system. |
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