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Delaware County, PA
May 19, 2009 Election
John L. Butler
Candidate for
Township Commissioner; Township of Marple; Ward 2
The information on this page is provided by the candidate.
The LWV neither supports nor opposes any political party or candidate.
Biographical Highlights
Party: Democratic
Occupation: Consultant
BS Georgia Tech
Graduated Elected Officials' Leadership Training Program of Pa League of Cities and Municipalities
Fellow American Production and Inventory Society
"Legion of Honor" from the Chapel of the Four Chaplains
Retired from Budd Co as General Superviser of Material Management
Marple resident for fourty years
Top Priorities if Elected
Continue to improve the managemnt of Township finances to hold down taxes
Improve the existing quality of our neighborhoods and oppose irresponsable development
Implement a Marple Twp Wellness Program to improve the health of our residents and employees
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The League of Women Voters does not support or oppose any candidate or political party.
Statements have not been checked for accuracy by the League of Women Voters. Spelling and grammatical errors have not been corrected.
Created from information supplied by the candidate: April 30, 2009 15:33
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