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Philadelphia County, PA | May 19, 2009 Election |
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Victim - Witness Aid Services Office: a Customer-centric ApproachBy Daniel P. "Dan" McElhattonCandidate for District Attorney; City of Philadelphia |
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Dan has been a victim of crime and knows firsthand the frustrations that victims experience in a large criminal justice system. Dan knows that when people feel safe we are a better city. This feeling of safety should not end when people participate in the criminal justice system, particularly as victims or witnesses.Dan will establish a separate Victim + Witness Services Office that will be charged with the responsibility of "customer service" for the victims and witnesses of a case. This office will be staffed with knowledgeable and courteous personnel who will know how to provide the appropriate information about the status of a case and answer any additional questions that a victim or witness may have. This office will be open and accessible seven days a week, for walk in visits or phone inquiries. Internet access for relevant information on status of cases and continuance will be available at all times. In addition, the office will establish a "Hot Line" for allegations of victim or witness intimidation. These allegations will be investigated, and when applicable, prosecuted accordingly, seeking significant sentences. The District Attorney's Office will have a zero tolerance policy towards witness intimidation. Appropriate cases of intimidation will be referred to federal law enforcement authorities for the imposition of additional penalties. As District Attorney, Dan will:
o Insure that all victims and witnesses are treated as "customers" of the District Attorney's Office and insure the highest level of professional service possible.
o Minimize the inconveniences caused by continuances by email and text message notifications of last minute continuances or changes in schedules.
o Provide an opportunity for witnesses and community groups to follow the status of their case online.
o Coordinate the activities of the Office with the specialized services of the Sentencing and Violation of Probation Unit.
o Work with local vendors to secure reduced parking fees for victims and witnesses who are unable to utilize pubic transportation. Victims and witnesses should not incur significant expenses when testifying. Such expenses lead to frustrations and failure to follow through with testimony.
o Work with vendors to secure reduced cost food vouchers at local restaurants and stores for use by victims and witnesses to minimize the cost and inconvenience of making our City safer.
o Vigorously prosecute all witness intimidation cases and seek significant sentences for all those who are involved in such threats.
o Refer appropriate cases of intimidation to federal law enforcement authorities for the imposition of additional penalties for the violations of civil rights laws by such conduct.
o Engage in highly public events emphasizing the need for witnesses to come forward to make our streets safer. |
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