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Measure EE New Tax to Support CCUSD Schools Culver City Unified School District Parcel Tax - 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Nov 20 4:27pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (19/19) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | ||||
To protect the quality of education in Culver City schools from deep State budget cuts by providing stable local funding to maintain: math, science, technology, music and art programs; updated instructional materials; quality teachers; school libraries; and small class sizes; shall Culver City Unified School District levy an annual tax of $96.00 per parcel for 5 years only, with exemptions for seniors, independent oversight, no money for administrators' salaries, and all funds staying in Culver City to benefit our local schools?
The Tax revenues shall only be applied for the purposes of funding advanced Math, Science, Technology, and college-prep programs, as well as Art and Music programs, maintaining small class sizes, retaining teachers, keeping school libraries open with skilled library staff, providing up-to-date instructional materials, and keeping school facilities clean, safe, and well-maintained. Proceeds of the Tax will not be used to pay for administrator salaries. An exemption from the Tax may be obtained for any single-family parcel owned by one or more persons 65 years of age or older, who occupies the parcel as a principal residence, upon application for the exemption. All property that is otherwise exempt from ad valorem property taxes shall also be exempt from the Tax. Submission of any application for a Tax exemption must be made in accordance with procedures established by the Board. The decisions of the District regarding the exemption shall be final and binding. The proceeds of the Tax shall only be applied to the specific purposes identified and shall be deposited into a separate account. An annual written report shall be made to the Board showing the amount of funds collected and expended from the proceeds of the Tax, and the status of any projects required or authorized to be funded from the Tax. An independent citizens’ oversight committee shall be appointed by the Board to ensure that the Tax proceeds are collected and expended as authorized by the measure. The collection of the Tax is not intended to decrease or offset any local, state, or federal revenues otherwise available to the District at any time during which the Tax may be levied. In the event that the Tax has such effect, the District shall reduce the Tax annually as necessary to restore the decrease or offset of revenues. The Taxes levied under this Measure shall be collected by the Treasurer and Tax Collector at the same time and manner, and subject to the same penalties, as ad valorem property taxes. Unpaid Taxes shall bear interest at the same rate as the rate for unpaid ad valorem property taxes. This Measure requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote for passage.
Official Information District Statistics Nonpartisan Information
Arguments For Measure EE |
The State budget crisis is causing deep cuts to Culver City schools. Protecting our local quality of education now depends on the passage of Measure EE.
Exceptional teachers, small class sizes, and challenging academic programs have helped Culver City schools perform among the best in the county. Test scores have risen consistently at every school in the district over the past 5 years and today nearly all exceed the 800 API target. Now State budget cuts are threatening the quality of instruction in EVERY Culver City classroom. Over the past two years the school district has cut over $6 million in educational programs. This school year, up to $3 million in additional cuts will be necessary without passage of Measure EE. Measure EE will provide stable, locally controlled funding ($8 per month per parcel) to offset the most devastating cuts. Measure EE will:
Independent Citizens' Oversight and annual independent audits will ensure funds are spent as promised. A senior citizen exemption is available to ensure Measure EE won’t be a burden to seniors living on fixed incomes. Preparing our children to succeed in the new global economy requires the best education possible, including advanced math, science and technology instruction. Measure EE will help. Measure EE is supported by parents, teachers, business and civic leaders throughout Culver City. Good schools help protect property values in a tough economy. Please VOTE YES on EE.
(No arguments against Measure EE were submitted) |
Full Text of Measure EE |
To protect the quality of education in Culver City schools from deep State budget cuts by providing stable local funding to maintain: math, science, technology, music and art programs; updated instructional materials; quality teachers; school libraries; and small class sizes; shall Culver City Unified School District levy an annual tax of $96.00 per parcel for 5 years only, with exemptions for seniors, independent oversight, no money for administrators' salaries, and all funds staying in Culver City to benefit our local schools?
The purpose of the measure is to preserve the quality of education in the Culver City Unified School District by continuing funding for the following specific programs and purposes: a) Advanced math, science, technology and college-prep programs. Proceeds of the special tax will not be used to pay administrator salaries.
Basis of Tax. "Parcel of Taxable Real Property" is defined as any unit of real property in the District that receives a separate tax bill for ad valorem property taxes from the Los Angeles County Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office, as applicable depending on parcel location. All property that is otherwise exempt from or upon which no ad valorem property taxes are levied in any year shall also be exempt from the special tax in such year. The tax itself shall not be levied on parcels on an ad valorem basis. If more than one adjacent Assessor parcel constitutes a single parcel under the Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code section 66410 et seq.), then the parcel will be treated as a single Parcel of Taxable Real Property for purposes of the amount of tax due, and a claim for refund may be made by the property owner pursuant to the claim procedures outline below. An exemption from payment of the special tax shall be granted on any single family parcel owned by one or more persons 65 years of age or over who occupies the parcel as a principal residence, upon application for exemption (the "Senior Citizen Exemption") to the District. Applications for such exemptions must be made during the period from January 15 through the last business day in April of each of the years this parcel tax is levied, in accordance with the process established by the District. Any one application from a qualified applicant will provide an exemption for the parcel for the remaining term of the assessment so long as such applicant continues to qualify for the exemption. The District shall establish an administrative review process to grant such exemptions. The District shall annually provide to the County Treasurer-Tax Collector or other appropriate County tax official a list of parcels that the District has approved for a Senior Citizen Exemption.
Claim Procedures
Appropriations Limit
Accountability Measures
Independent Audit and Annual Report.
Protection of Funding |