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Los Angeles County, CA | November 3, 2009 Election |
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Letter to Voters/PositionsBy Kathleen L. MidstokkeCandidate for Council Member; City of Hermosa Beach |
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Dear Friends and Fellow Hermosa Beach Residents: I am running for Hermosa Beach City Council Member on November 3, 2009. It has been some time since I have been your elected City Clerk and Council Member (1984 + 1993). Since then, I have pursued a career as a Municipal Paralegal and appointed City Clerk. Having been successful in that career, I would now like to give back my time and experience as an elected official again. Hermosa Beach is my ending place, not a step on a ladder to higher office and I am not involved in partisan politics. I was born in Los Angeles and have been a Southern Californian all my life. In 1978, I was fortunate and able to move to Hermosa Beach. In 1980 I was appointed to the Civil Service Commission; in 1984, I was elected City Clerk; and in 1989, elected to the City Council. During my time as elected City Clerk, I conducted 9 municipal elections in five years. Those were times of initiatives and referendums, many regarding the beachfront hotel. While on the City Council, we had a fiscal crisis, the Greenbelt was purchased, former South School was planned as a new park, and entitlements (Environmental Impact Report & Conditional Use Permit) for the oil drilling project were narrowly approved (my votes were NO). For several years, I have publically voiced serious concerns about the City and its future. They have included: following the Brown Act on agenda items; public nuisances; opposing 70% City Council raise and car allowance; opposing Pier Avenue one lane. In addition, current issues include City fiscal crisis, McPherson oil litigation (Sept. `09 legal fees = +$498,000), traffic and maintaining the delicate balance of the residential quality of life. The recent "Sunset Concert" on the beach that drew a crowd of 7,000 out-of-towners' drinking, drugs, etc., is simply unacceptable and should never have happened. With the fiscal crisis, it cannot be business as usual at City Hall. All expenditures must be closely scrutinized. All general funded travel must be frozen (Sept. `09: Council, Mgmt. travel = +$2,500). I have the experience, leadership and history in Hermosa Beach to help work to resolve these problems. Thank you for the consideration of your vote on November 3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friends of Midstokke for Council 2009 ______ Yes, I will be an endorser. P.O. Box 833 ______ Yes, I would like a sign. Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-0833 ______ Yes, I would like to make a donation. (310) 937-3417 (Donations $99.00 and under greatly appreciated); Thank you, Name: __________________________________ Address: ________________________________ KATHLEEN L. MIDSTOKKE |
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