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Measure A Former Masonite Facility Plan County of Mendocino Majority Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Dec 29 12:06pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (247/247) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | ||||
Shall the ordinance titled an initiative to enact a general plan and zoning code amendment, and mixed-use specific plan for the former site of the masonite facility be approved? Yes or No
s/ Jeanine B. Nadel JEANINE B. NADEL County Counsel 23A3
Arguments For Measure A | Arguments Against Measure A | ||
Vote Yes on Measure A.
There is nothing more important to Mendocino
County than keeping our retail dollars local rather
than having our residents drive to places like Santa
Rosa to do their shopping. According to economists,
Mendocino County is losing up to $169 million
annually in retail sales revenue to nearby counties.
Measure A allows the creation of a mixed-use retail
center + Mendocino Crossings + with space for
anchor stores like Costco as well as national and
regional shops and restaurants, giving residents the
option to shop locally instead of driving to Santa
Rosa or Eureka. The economists estimate that in
addition to property taxes, Mendocino Crossings will
bring more than $1.7 million annually in sales tax
revenue to Mendocino County and another $74
million in redevelopment revenues by 2048. These
funds will provide our county with much needed
resources to improve public safety, health and
human services, schools, parks and recreation,
maintain our roads and so much more.
Measure A identifies numerous techniques for
making Mendocino Crossings a sustainable and
green development, including use of renewable
energy. This is consistent with the owner's
commitment to solar power, who earlier this year
announced the largest solar distributed generation
program of its kind at more than 200 of its shopping
With the poor economy and unemployment
skyrocketing, Mendocino County needs to find ways
to stimulate the local economy and create jobs.
Economists also estimate that Measure A will create
more than 700 new jobs at various wage levels, plus
several hundred additional jobs during construction.
Mendocino Crossings will provide opportunities for
local jobs for local residents.
Measure A allows small manufacturing businesses
at the site in addition to retail and residential,
creating a true smart growth project.
Join us and Vote Yes on Measure A. For more
information please log on to
s/ Daniel Rosales President, Mendocino County Tomorrow s/ Dan Edwards President, Mendocino County Deputy Sheriff's Association s/ John Pinches s/ Robin F. Collier Small Business Owner, Ukiah Resident s/ Sam Ware RTD. Former Bus. Owner, Fort Bragg Resident
s/ Douglas F. Crane Pres, Crane of Ukiah, Bldg & Eng. Contractor & City of Ukiah City Council Member s/ Rachel Binah Retired Coastal Business Owner Environmental Caucus Chair emeritus s/ Dave Turner Vice Mayor of Fort Bragg / Local Business Owner s/ Shannon Riley Ukiah Business-owner / Ukiah Main St. Program Executive Boardmember / SOLE Treasurer s/ Art Harwood Forest Landowner 23A4 | Measure A evades all environmental review,
public hearings, public comment, and local
regulations everyone must follow, including the
requirement that developers must pay to fix the
problems they cause.
PAYING MILLIONS + Measure A will create traffic
gridlock that will cost $20+ million to fix with NO
guarantee the developer will pay for that or other
expensive problems with sewer, traffic, air quality,
and more. All County taxpayers will suffer the
consequences or get the bill for what the developer
doesn't fix.
Measure A was paid for by a giant Ohio based
multi-national development corporation to
approve 310 pages written by them for a huge
"conceptual" project. Their Measure A says: "All
uses, site plans and descriptions are
conceptual...and subject to change." There is NO
guarantee they will build anything, and if they do, no
one can say what it will be.
100 acres of land already zoned for large retail in
the Ukiah Valley and a need for only 218,000 square
feet of new retail countywide by 2025.
Measure A foolishly converts a prime industrial
site to low wage retail. A glut of retail will come at
the expense of existing local businesses and local
jobs, hurting communities countywide.
If Measure A passes, it will encourage other
corporations to write their own initiatives for
properties like the Georgia Pacific Mill or Remco
sites without community input. Noyo Harbor could
be rezoned for onshore support for offshore oil
drilling with NO environmental review.
Measure A is bad for local business, bad public
policy, and bad for our future.
That's why the City Councils of Fort Bragg, Point
Arena and Ukiah all unanimously urge: "Vote NO
on Measure A"
Protect local control, our local economy and our
Stop corporate special privileges. Support equal
treatment for all.
Vote "NO" on Measure A
s/ Carre Brown First District Supervisor s/ John McCowen Second District Supervisor s/ Kendall Smith Forth District Supervisor s/ J. David Colfax Fifth District Supervisor
s/ John Pinches s/ Jim R. Wattenburger Former Dist. 2 Supervisor s/ Al Beltrami Former County CEO s/ Richard Moser Former Mendocino County Planning Commissioner s/ Randy W. Huffman Owner, Agwood Mill & Lumber 23A5 |
Full Text of Measure A |
Section 1. Purpose.
The purpose of this Initiative is to enact the
Mendocino Crossings Mixed-Use Masonite Specific
Plan for the former site of the Masonite facility in order
to increase Mendocino County's economic base and to
meet future mix of commercial and residential housing
needs, and to amend the General Plan and Inland
Zoning Code to accommodate same. The Specific
Plan is designed to:
1) Create jobs by providing for a mix of land uses
including large and small retail, commercial, office, light
industrial that will create a variety of new job
opportunities at various wage levels;
2) Keep sales tax revenue in the County by providing
new retail opportunities;
3) Provide increased funding for public services and
schools through the property and sales taxes
generated by the project;
4) Allow for residential units with the retail and
commercial uses to create a walkable live-work
5) Incorporate solar energy technology into the
Specific Plan area;
6) Reduce environmental impacts and conserve
energy through green building techniques and other
mitigation measures;
7) Conserve and enhance County water resources by
providing an independent water source to serve the
Specific Plan area;
8) Incorporate detention ponds and bio-swales to
capture storm water runoff;
9) Accommodate public transportation to bring people
to the project and to the City of Ukiah from the
surrounding region;
10) Provide pathways and bicycle storage areas to
encourage alternative modes of transportation.
Section 2. General Plan Amendment.
The General Plan of the County of Mendocino is
amended as set forth in Exhibit A (copies available
from County-Clerk-Elections office or online at + Assessor-Clerk-Recorder -
Mendocino County Tomorrow + Measure A) and
incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth.
The full text of Exhibit A commences on page A-1 of
this petition. (Proposed deletions from the existing
text of the Mendocino County General Plan are
shown in strikethrough text; proposed additions
are shown in underlined text.)
Section 3. Amendment to the Inland Zoning Code,
Division I of Title 20.
The Inland Zoning Code of the County of Mendocino
is amended by adding Section 20.138.025 to Chapter 20.138, to provide as follows (proposed additions to FULL TEXT OF MEASURE A + Continued the text of the Inland Zoning Code are shown in underlined text): Section 20.138.025 "P-2": Mendocino Crossings Mixed- Use Masonite Specific Plan. The P-2 Mendocino Crossing Mixed-Use Masonite Specific Plan shall apply to the area covering Assessor Parcels 170-170-04, 05 and 12; 170-190-02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 09, 14 and 15. Section 4. Adoption of Mendocino Crossings Mixed-Use Masonite Specific Plan. The Mendocino Crossings Mixed-Use Masonite Specific Plan is hereby adopted. The full text of the Mendocino Crossings Mixed-Use Masonite Specific Plan is set forth in Exhibit B (copies available from County-Clerk-Elections office or online at + Assessor-Clerk-Recorder - Mendocino County Tomorrow + Measure A) and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth. The full text of Exhibit B commences on page B-1 of this petition. (The language of the proposed Specific Plan is entirely new.) Section 5. Implementation. A) Effective Date. This Initiative shall be effective as provided in section 9122 of the California Elections Code. Upon the effective date of this Initiative, its provisions amending the General Plan of the County of Mendocino are hereby inserted into the General Plan as an amendment thereof, except that if the four amendments of the mandatory elements of the General Plan that are permitted by State law for any given calendar year have already been utilized in the calendar year in which the Initiative becomes effective, this General Plan amendment shall be the first amendment inserted in the County's General Plan on January 1 of the next year. Upon the effective date of this Initiative, any provisions of the County's Zoning Code or Zoning Maps or other ordinances and policies affected by this Initiative that are inconsistent with the General Plan amendments adopted by this Initiative shall not be enforced to the extent of such inconsistency. B) Reconciliation of Provisions. The Mendocino County General Plan in effect on the date of the filing of the Notice of Intent to Circulate this Initiative petition ("Filing Date"), and that General Plan as amended by this Initiative, comprise an integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies for the County. In order to ensure that the County's General Plan remains an integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies for the County as required by State law, and to ensure that the actions of the voters in enacting this Initiative are given effect, any provisions of the General Plan or Maps, Zoning Code or Zoning Maps, or other ordinances or policies 23A1 FULL TEXT OF MEASURE A + Continued affected by this Initiative shall be amended as soon as possible and in the manner and time required by state law to ensure consistency with the provisions adopted by this Initiative. C) Interim Amendments. The Mendocino County General Plan in effect on the date of the filing of the Notice of Intent to Circulate this Initiative petition ("Filing Date"), and that the General Plan as amended by this Initiative, comprise an integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies for the County. In order to ensure that the County's General Plan remains an integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement of policies for the County as required by State law, and to ensure that the actions of the voters in enacting this Initiative are given effect, any provision of the General Plan that is adopted between the Filing Date and the date that the General Plan is amended by this Initiative shall, to the extent that such interim-enacted provision is inconsistent with the General Plan amendments adopted by this Initiative, be amended as soon as possible and in the manner and time required by state law to ensure consistency between the provisions adopted by this Initiative and other elements of the County's General Plan. Section 6. Interpretation & Severability. This Initiative shall be interpreted so as to be consistent with all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase, part, or portion of this Initiative, is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Initiative. The voters hereby declare that this Initiative, and each section, sub-section, sentence, clause, phrase, part or portion thereof would have been adopted or passed even if one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, parts, or portions are declared invalid or unconstitutional. If any provision of this Initiative is held invalid as applied to any person or circumstance, such invalidity shall not affect any application of this Initiative that can be given effect without the invalid application. This Initiative shall be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in the Initiative. Section 7. Effect of Other Measures on Same Ballot. This Initiative adopts General Plan amendments, Inland Zoning Code amendments, and the Mendocino Crossings Mixed-Use Masonite Specific Plan for the site of the former Masonite facility, Assessor Parcels 170-170-04, 05 and 12; 170-190-02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 09, 14 and 15. By voting for this Initiative, the voters expressly declare their intent that any other measures which appear on the same ballot as this Initiative and relate to the general plan designation, zoning, or FULL TEXT OF MEASURE A + Continued permitted uses on the site of the former Masonite facility, Assessor Parcels 170-170-04, 05 and 12; 170-190-02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 09, 14 and 15, or which purport to amend or limit any provision of this Initiative, or allow uses incompatible with this Initiative, shall be deemed to conflict with the entire cohesive scheme adopted by this Initiative. Because of this conflict, if this Initiative and any such other measure receive a majority of votes by the voters voting thereon at the same election, then the measure receiving the most votes in favor shall prevail and no provision of the other measures shall take effect. Section 8. Amendment. Except as provided in the Mendocino Crossing Mixed-Use Masonite Specific Plan, this Initiative may be amended only by a majority vote of the voters of Mendocino County. 23A2 |