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San Mateo County, CA | November 3, 2009 Election |
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Menlo Park Fire Fighters Association Questions & ResponseBy James M. HarrisCandidate for Board Member; Menlo Park Fire Protection District |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Menlo Park Fire Fighters Association Candidate Questions 1. Why do you want to be a District Board of Director? A) To implement a financially sustainable budget process. B) To implement a "Continuous Improvement" Program across the District. C) Examine alternatives other than increasing taxes to increase MPFPD revenue. 2. What experience and/or education do you have to qualify you as a Fire District Board of Director? I have had profit & loss responsibility for business units larger than the MPFPD. I have experience in cost reductions and managing diverse organizations. I notice that very few of the continuing board members or other candidates have any operating experience. The few MPFPD committee meetings I have attended I have been impressed by the dedication of the current board members and also surprised at the lack of tough questions being asked. 3. What is your game plan to win such a competitive election? Where will you raise the money from in order to meet your budget? My budget is very modest; I am funding myself at the moment. 4. What distinguishes you from your opponents? Operating experience; willingness to work hard; focus on financial sustainability. 5. How do you formulate your opinions and ideas into discussions with your peers? Very factually; my background is as an engineer and businessman; I am very numbers and results oriented. 6. What endorsements do you feel will have the greatest impact on the voters of this District? I am not seeking endorsements at this time. Should the MPFFA decide to endorse me that would be very kind. 7. Did you support "Measure G" in 2007 which increased the Fire Districts appropriations limit to $40,000,000? I did. 8. In the last four years the Fire District Board has voted twice not to speak to the Association about anything while contract negotiations where ongoing, what is your opinion on this stance? I am just getting into all of the publically available material on the MPFPD. However, in general, I believe discussions should be open and ongoing. 9. The United States Fire Administration(USFA) and the National Fire Academy (NFA) have developed national standards designed to both prepare and add credence to our profession. These national standards are known as the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education Model. This model can be viewed on the Department Of Homeland Security/USFA website The FESHE model has been adopted by the California State Fire Marshall in its "Blue Print 2020" which can be viewed at What is your opinion on these standards? Setting certification standards and requiring continuing education are excellent programs. I will certainly study the BP2020 document in detail. 10. The Fire District currently has an unfunded liability with CALPERS of $13,554,451 in its "side fund". The annual payment of this fund makes up roughly half of the District's yearly pension obligation. What will you do to address this issue? I plan to do everything possible to put the MPFPD on a financially sustainable path. 11. What goals and objectives have you set for yourself as a Director in your first term? A) To implement a financially sustainable budget process. B) To implement a "Continuous Improvement" Program across the District. C) Find alternatives to increasing taxes to increase MPFPD revenue. 12. How do you feel about term limits for the position of Fire Board of Director? In general, I don't believe term limits is working out as people expected. We need experienced, contributors in public office as long as they will stay. It is the voters' responsibility to remove officials not making a satisfactory contribution. 13. What other information about you will help us make our decision to endorse you? You can be assured that I will work hard to maintain and improve the service of the MPFPD and implement a financially sustainable program that supports the Fire Fighters and the District. On September 11 I sent the following letter to Association President Wurdinger: September 11, 2009 John Wurdinger Association President, Executive Board Member IAFF Local 2400 10th District Vice President Menlo Park Association, Inc. P.O. Box 534 Menlo Park, CA 94026-0534 Mr. Wurdinger: As I mentioned in the interview of August 25 with the leadership of the MPFFA I am not seeking an endorsement from the Association. At this point it is very likely that the current negotiations between the MPFFA and the MPFPD BOD will be ongoing next year after the new board members take office. I consider it inappropriate for a board member to seek or accept endorsement from any entity which has business considered by the Board. Therefore please withdraw my name from consideration for endorsement by the Association; I will not accept an endorsement. Should I be fortunate enough to be elected in November I remain very interested in improving communications and working relations between the Association and the MPFPD BOD. The primary responsibility of both of our organizations is to the citizens of the District; we both share responsibility to provide superior service in a financially sustainable manner. Sincerely, James M. Harris |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 16, 2009 21:11
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