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Ventura County, CA | November 3, 2009 Election |
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Past Stands on Important IssuesBy Neal AndrewsCandidate for Council Member; City of San Buenaventura |
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I led the Coalition Against Measure "O" saving $250 million dollars for taxpayers, fought fiscal irresponsibility in water agency management, stood for protection of water quality, and was a pioneer in development of modern standards for emergency medical services.If you want to know what a person will do tomorrow, ask what he did yesterday. Neal Andrews stood for the right answers on these vital issues: Public Safety Pioneer! During the Viet Nam era, Neal Andrews was widely recognized as an authority on military organization. He later applied that knowledge as a lecturer and consultant on police and fire organization and administration. For seven years he served as a senior government executive in emergency medical services (EMS) in both Michigan and California and was a leading force in applying the principles of emergency medical response learned in Viet Nam to local EMS and public safety programs. He was a leading contributor to the National Governors' Association Model State Legislation for Emergency Medical Services, which later served as the basis for today's emergency medical services law in California. Taxpayers' Watchdog! A few years ago when our water district, United Water, irresponsibly approved salary increases from 20% to almost 50% for selected executives and rashly used its financial reserves to balance its budget, Neal Andrews led the opposition. He argued that the reserves were inadequate and that water rates would inevitably have to increase. In 2001-2002 water rates were increased 32%. By 2005 rates were increased nearly 48%. The reason, according to the district's financial officer # reserves are too low. The rates are even higher today, and United proposes to increase rates further at the same time that they challenge the City's legal right to extract water from the Fox Canyon acquifer. Fighting for the Public Interest! In 2000 when private hospital special interests tried to seize public funds from the tobacco settlement with Measure O, Neal Andrews managed the successful campaign to protect the taxpayers' interests, saving the tobacco funds to provide health care for all our citizens. The private hospital special interests threw $2.7 million dollars at the voters in their campaign to divert these funds to their own private use. Many volunteer citizen heroes fought to keep these tobacco funds in the public sector for you, and in the end 68% of the voters said "NO!" -- soundly defeating Measure O. Neal Andrews is proud to have been one of their leaders. If these were the right answers for you too, Vote for Neal Andrews for City Council on November 3rd! |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 15, 2009 15:46
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