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Delaware County, PA | November 3, 2009 Election |
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Charles SammartinoBy Charlie A SammartinoCandidate for Township Commissioner; Township of Marple; Ward 6 |
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Charles Sammartino, 6th Ward Commissioner I am 54 years old, My wife Karen and I have been married for 22 years with 2 children. I have lived in Marple for over 14 years. I have worked in the health care information technology field for over 25 years. I currently work for Main Line Health which comprises Bryn Mawr, Paoli, Lankenau and Riddle Hospitals as a Senior Systems Analyst for the past 10 years. I was elected in 2005 and proudly serve as the 6th Ward Commissioner. This past year I was elected by my fellow Commissioners to serve as the Vice President of the Board. I addition I also serve on the Public Safety, Pension, Planning and Ordinance Committees. Since being elected I have been dedicated and focused on Public Safety Issues. I launched the Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 program and have worked with our Police Chief to write the first Traffic Calming Standards Policy for Marple Township. I was instrumental in creating a safe route by installing continuous sidewalks to the Paxon Hollow Middle school so our children could walk to school in safety. I have worked with concerned residents of Willamsburg and Highland avenue areas to address speeding problems in their neighborhoods. I have also brought many free health based programs to Marple that our residents can benefit by at no cost to taxpayers. I am proud of my low tax record over the 4 years I have been in office. I voted to create a strong sign ordinance that protects our community from Billboards in residential areas. I have no business interest that benefit by my elected position and I have been totally dedicated to serving the residents of Marple. I am proud that I have been able to help refocus the Marple Township government to be more people and service oriented again. I would appreciate your support to help me continue to serve our residents. Thank You, Charles Sammartino |
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