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Delaware County, PA | November 3, 2009 Election |
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Schwartz on Economic DevelopmentBy David Paul SchwartzCandidate for Council Member; Township of Upper Darby; Ward 3 |
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Unlike some other municipalities in the region, Upper Darby lacks some of the traditional economic engines, such as a large mall, or an office park, or be located near a major freeway interchange. What features we do have, however, can make up for this and more, if properly utilized. Some of these features include a thriving downtown area, an extensive mass transit system, unique and historic neighborhoods, stable residential areas, and several traditional neighborhood business centers.Overview Our Township is exactly the type of area in which that the state wants to encourage development and re-development to help limit urban sprawl and protect sensitive areas. As such, there are dozens of programs and funds that can be used for the purpose of revitalizing these areas to attract private investment. Additional investment can create new tax dollars and decrease the tax burden on residences and existing businesses. To do this, we must have vision and look to areas beyond District 3 to other areas in the Township that require this type of investment. Improving one area of our Township can have positive repercussions elsewhere. Together, we can be greater than the sum of our individual parts. We must remember that we are, in fact, in this together, from Township Line, to 69th Street, to Baltimore Pike. Create a Department of Economic Development This department dedicated to economic growth will be the centerpiece of my economic policy and the first of many steps to improve our economic base and our community . The department will be comprised of members of the both the Township and the local business community and will include several initiatives, detailed below. Realize the Potential of our Neighborhood Business Centers and Major Transit Stations There are a number of these areas identified in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, yet precious little has been done to revitalize and reinvent these areas. They include:
Attract Private Investment My experience as an urban planner has taught what private developers look for and what we can do to encourage the right kind of development in the right places. Some of my initiatives include:
We have a great deal of unutilized and underutilized office space in downtown and need to pursue an aggressive new marketing strategy to highlight our attributes and to promote our downtown so it can realize its full potential.
There are many previous and ongoing technical studies conducted by engineering and planning firms with recommendations for improvement within the Township. They include:
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: August 27, 2009 10:00
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