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Montgomery County, PA | November 3, 2009 Election |
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Preparing for Public Governments for Electrical DeregulationBy Andrew W. "Andy" BeesCandidate for Council Member; Borough of Narberth |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
With already excessively high taxes we as a community to be educated and prepare for electrical deregulation in 2011, in order to curb our annual tax increases.Current headlines focus on reactions, responses and possible solutions to a stock markets, healthcare, government progress, and unemployment all of which have over shadowed electrical deregulation in Pennsylvania. January 1st of 2011 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will undergo massive deregulation in the electric utilities market. Soon these rules of economic restraint will cease to exist. Combine this with the government mandates to PECO and others to reduce peak consumption, rising energy cost are imminent. In order to reduce peak demand energy providers feel consumption can be modified by cost. Charging customers more during peak demand times is an assumed path to encourage us to use less electricity. Bills have been estimated to increase 20% some even estimate 40%. Budgets at home and work are already tightened. These are added cost that we can neither overlook nor go unplanned. How and when we consume energy will change; businesses in manufacturing will run night shifts in lieu of day to take advantage of lower rates; home owners will use programmable thermostat to condition there homes during occupied hours; institutions (public and private funded) may use creative generation and energy storing technology; offices will utilize building automation strategies. Regardless of how we ready ourselves, we must strive to educate ourselves and organize our pocket books to manage the impact electrical deregulation to our lives at home, at school, and at work. Ask your school ask; your boss; ask your city officials; ask yourself about their plan to address these cost on our already stressed wallets. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 19, 2009 21:47
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