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My educational philosophy stems from my parents who only attended up to eight years of formal education. They were the ones who inspired, who encouraged me to do better for myself through education. It is through education that we will assure a brighter future for our youth and our community
The Upper Merion Area School District's mission is to inspire excellence in every student, every day. This mission was developed as part of the District's Strategic Plan that was adopted a few years ago. As a member of the School Board, it is my and the Board's role to evaulate the results--the progress-- of the implementation of the strategic plan toward accomplishing our District's mission.
On various occasions, I have referred to the four "A"s that our District exposes and measures our students throughout their elementary, middle and high school years. These are Academics, Arts, Activites (community) and Athletics (health, wellnes and fitness). While we place a high priority on academic achievement, students also have an opportunity to participate and excel at the other "A's that we offer in our District. Indeed, our students, our District, excel a the four "A"s.