This information is provided by the candidate
I have been involved in community service in East Norriton Township for sixteen years. I would like to continue my service in our community as a member of the Board of Supervisors. It is my belief that a Supervisors primary resposnsibilty is to serve the needs and desires of the people who elected him or her to the position. I promise a return to "putting the people first" at all times. I will maintain an open door policy to the residents without exception or restriction. The resident's opinions will be heard and respected without interuption and without time restrictions at any and all public meetings at which I am a participant. The Township should and will return to the philosphy that "the customer comes first". And in East Norriton Township, the customer is the resident. Period !
I have not accepted a dime in campaign contributions from PAC'S, builders, realtors, lawyers or any other person who may have business before the board of supervisors. I am not for sale and I am not beholding to anyone. My first and only responsibility is to the citizens of East Norriton Township. I am ready to hit the ground running and get to work for the residents. I hope you will give me the opportunity. Thank you.