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Political Philosophy for Alvin W. Reitz
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1. I believe in neighborhood schools. My twins excelled at Pennypack Elementary. I am certain they would have succeeded at any of our excellent Hatboro-Horsham schools, large or small, but I believe they benefited in countless ways attending their small community school. 2. I support quality public education. One of the best gifts we can give our children and our community is to provide the best educational opportunities we can afford. The better the education our children receive today the brighter all of our futures will be tomorrow. 3. I support well rounded education. Ensuring that education, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are productive and positive provides our students with the tools for success. 4. We must make every effort to ensure the safety and well-being of all Hatboro-Horsham students, while in school and on their way to and from school. 5. I believe in sound decision-making with respect to fiscal responsibility and sensible, cost-effective spending while mindful of the current economic climate and community needs. 6. I would like to see a more open dialogue between the Hatboro-Horsham School District and the community. 7. I believe that respectful and productive negotiations between the District and its employees improves educational morale and benefits our children. |
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