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Los Angeles County, CA | April 13, 2010 Election |
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Chamber of Commerce QuestionnaireBy David GaunyCandidate for Member, City Council; City of Santa Clarita |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
My responses to questions regarding business concerns in this valley.Chamber of Commerce Candidate Questionnaire: David Gauny The following questions were recently distributed to each of the 2010 City Council candidates by the SCV Chamber of Commerce. They cover a wide range of issues that may be of interest to both home and business owners in Santa Clarita and are provided here for those who are interested. The only modifications to my original answers are expanded explanations of areas that may not be common knowledge to the general public. 1. Have you ever owned a business? If yes, what type of business and were/are you located in the City of Santa Clarita? I am managing broker and principal (along with my wife) of Smart Money Broker, Inc, a residential mortgage broker. We downsized when credit tightened and currently operate from our home. I also joined a commercial insurance brokerage in Encino and have 100% ownership of my book of business. I expect to open an office in Santa Clarita this year. 2. What is your experience in preparing budgets; what size of budgets? How have you dealt with reduced income? Be specific. I served as a VP of Sales and Marketing with a $1 million annual budget. We always grew but streamlining efforts included moving production overseas and shifting to a largely virtualized sales force. I joined the Valencia Summit HOA board in 2007 (budget $1MM) just after discovery that the HOA had an overdrawn operating account and a reserve account funded at an anemic 17%. We renegotiated every contract over two years and while we did raise dues, prior boards had not done so for 7 years, resulting in major operating shortfalls. I ended my tenure in 2009 as board President with both accounts fully-funded and all major facility projects either completed or underway. Dues were reduced to 2006 levels in October 2009 prior to my departure. 3. What are 3 key issues in SCV that you will deal with during your four year term? Provide detailed response on at least one issue. Support for business, protection of planning, and better strategic vision for our city. Small business has been underserved and I want renewed effort from Chamber and the City on this + I look forward to Shaffery! I understand the need for growth and One Valley, One Vision (OVOV) but we need more critical review than we are currently receiving from the incumbents. Staff is responsible for dollars, not vision. We need stronger council members if we are to grow our city into the employer and tourism destination it has the chance to be right now. I strongly support incentive and lobbying programs to attract large business but our council needs vision and critical thinking. 4. How do you balance your decision making process between the various City constituencies? As I mentioned above, I believe balance occurs through active dialog with residents and business owners. Homeowners don't want growth while land owners want max dollar. Similarly, nobody wants density but we all want the public services that density helps to fund. The answer is in the middle and I would like process at City Hall to be more inclusive of those affected prior to hearings. Arbitrary decisions are a bad precedent and leave constituents on all sides unhappy. 5. What was your philosophical thinking and personal feelings (not the public issues) which made you decide to run? Our city is a jewel and OVOV is the precipice for how we will grow in the next 20 years. My wife Tracy and I plan to retire in our home and it is terrible to see reckless planning approvals with so little effort or vision for attracting anchor companies and better local jobs. Large employers want a culture and Arts center and our demographic supports this too. It hurts to see a smarter approach to growth be sold out to a quicker, easier way. Short-term gain, long-term loss. 6. What is your opinion on "One Valley One Vision"? I understand the state is requiring cities to produce a certain percentage of high-density housing and localized job growth. I support OVOV but there are aspects of the proposal that require serious questioning + the incumbents have not demonstrated success at this in several recent projects. I also do not feel the city provided good process for review. Informational workshops last year provided no information on critical issues and specifics are hard to come by. It may quiet complaints in the short-term but the result will be serious pushback at the 11th hour which is a waste of everyone's time. Our businesses and homeowners deserved more info; better process makes a better plan. 7. What, specifically, would you do to support economic development? What is your opinion on the role of the Santa Clarita Economic Development Corporation (SCVEDC)? I served on the bylaws subcommittee prior to the SCVEDC's incorporation. I also formed and co-chair the small business subcommittee. I approached our council last year to request the needed $200K seed money, and I believe strongly that this is the only direction for attracting the type of business and high-paying jobs we desperately need in our valley. 8. What is your vision for the Whitaker-Bermite site? We keep saying we're a small town and it's nice to feel this way + but we are the 4th largest city in L.A. County with 177,000 residents. As our real town center with rail access, WB's location provides an incredible opportunity to create well-planned commercial and corporate center and maybe even the home of our city's cultural center (convention, arts, sports, etc.). There is cleanup work to be done and I would consider a public-private effort to get it going + the return to our city would be huge. 9. What is your opinion on the City's Newhall Redevelopment plan? The city needs to commit +really commit+ to this plan if we are to attract the type of business and shopping climate we seek in this area. We need upscale apartment and townhome development that's local to the area in order attract younger corporate-types (Disney?) who seek the hip and artsy feel that we are trying to accomplish here. To date, execution of the plan has been scattered and really hurt those businesses + we need to stay focused and do the job right. I am glad the streetscape is not being postponed. Lastly, the $100,000 Community Development Block Grant money that was given to 20 businesses was a waste. This cash giveaway of $5K each does nothing to help the ongoing health of those businesses. It's a Band-aid, not a plan. 10. What are the most significant transportation issues and opportunities facing the City and the Santa Clarita Valley? As a member of the Santa Clarita City Council how would you address these issues or seize these opportunities? Without question, the biggest problem our valley faces is access to the L.A. basin. I'd like to see rail service expanded to SFV and at some point we need honest discussion on creation of a new North/Southbound corridor. We are currently planning based on the I-5 freeway being 16 lanes across! We need to get real but this issue is way too big for the few lines I have here! 11. What have been your 3 biggest accomplishments in helping the citizens of Santa Clarita? I have been a tireless advocate for better planning, spending years to understand planning laws and consider ways to better protect various communities. I've worked on the SCVEDC to survey small business to ensure incentive programs and stimulus programs are targeted and communicated. Lastly, I am deeply committed to our senior center + my wife has been a Meals on Wheels driver for years and I want more commitment to their facilities and services. I care deeply about the future of our city and I have tried to apply myself to the areas I can best affect. If you have other questions you'd like to ask me, please let me know via email at Thank you for your interest and I hope to have your support on April 13th! Committee to Elect David Gauny 2010 (ID# 1322616) |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: February 19, 2010 06:09
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