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MK served in the Chaplin section in a non-denominational capacity in Japan and Korea for the United States Air force. After having served his country for four years MK was discharged from the air force in 1955 in San Bernadino CA. When MK left the service he was invited to stay in one of the 10 Malibu homes that were the only houses on that beach at that time. In 1965 MK rented Rod Steiger's house. Matthew also commuted to San Francisco to supervise a few of SF's major talents. Matthew decided he loved Malibu so much he purchased a home in Malibu Park and moved in with his two Arabian horses and his beloved cats Mittens and Mr. Kitty.
Having spent over 50 years here and remembering when PCH was a single lane roadway, Matthews love of the beauty of Malibu the responsible 25 year old young man drawn to the peace that attracted so many others decided to stay.