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Full Biography for Steven William Scheinkman
Candidate for |
After growing up in the Metropolitan New York area, Steve Scheinkman graduated from The George Washington University with a degree in business administration majoring in accounting. Upon graduation and passing the CPA exam, Steve worked for a nationally recognized accounting firm supervising financial audits of both public and privately held companies. After moving to California in 1980, Steve joined Macsteel Service Centers USA , a distributor of steel products and related value added services throughout the U.S. as the corporate controller and in succession became its CFO, President and COO. Under his leadership, the business grew from annual revenues of $100 million to more than $1.2 billion with 1,500 employees and over 30 locations throughout the United States. In 1999, Steve became the President and CEO of Transtar Metals, a global supply chain manager and distributor of metal products to the aerospace and defense industries with locations in the U.S. , Europe and Asia . Steve inherited a multitude of problems principally caused by financial overleveraging, lack of financial planning and poor management. With the support of his employees, customer and vendors, Steve successfully engineered the financial and operational turnaround of Transtar highlighted by the sale of the company to its management team and a private equity firm in 2003. Following the completion of that transaction, along with the management team that he put together, Steve grew Transtar into the recognized leader in its market segment creating jobs by over 67 percent in the process. Steve retired from the industry in 2007 and since then, he has served on the Board of Directors of both privately held and public companies. Steve has also been an active in community affairs having participated in the successful fight to prevent the development of the Ahmanson Ranch and to maintain it as open space. He has served as a Board Member of Hidden Hills Community Association, as well as participated in numerous civic groups focused on protecting the environment. Steve has been a member of the Malibu Park Homeowners Association, has been active in addressing local Malibu issues including traffic and fire safety and has been a leader of the citizens' movement to ensure that available Measure BB funds are focused on first promoting the health, safety and general welfare of children attending all of Malibu's schools. Steve has been a parent volunteer in numerous capacities, including AYSO soccer, a baseball coach, a member of the Malibu High PTSA and Shark fund and supporter of the Malibu High JV football program. Steve lives in Malibu Park with his wife, Nina and two of their five children, along with their two horses and dog. Steve is an accomplished equestrian and an avid distance runner having completed more than 20 marathons. On any given day, you can find Steve running along Malibu 's beaches or riding his horses through the trail system. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: March 29, 2010 15:18
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