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Westchester County, NY | May 18, 2010 Election |
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LWV Voter's Guide QuestionnaireBy Jeffrey MesterCandidate for Member, Board of Education; Chappaqua Central School District |
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Highlights of the LWV Questionnaire Questionnaire for Chappaqua School Board Candidates # of School Board meetings you have attended in last 2 years: All of them. # of School Budget meetings you have attended in last 2 years: All of them. Please respond to each question. Please limit your response to a maximum of 100 words in question 1 and 150 words in question 2. (1)What experiences and skills do you have that will enable you to be an effective member of the School Board? For three years, I have worked tirelessly on behalf of the members of this community to be an effective member of the school board. It requires a person with an extensive and detailed knowledge of the district, a complete understanding of the budget and the structural budget issues the district faces, a person who can make practical and reasoned decisions, a person who is flexible and can build consensus, a person who can balance competing community interests, and a person with vision and conviction. There is no experience like direct experience and a proven track record. I stand on mine. (2)What do you consider the main issue(s) facing the Chappaqua Central School District and how would you address it (them)? The major issues facing the district are ensuring the quality of the education remains at a superior level while maintaining fiscal discipline and responsibility, the selection of the next district Superintendent, and continuing to broaden lines of communication with the community. Last year, the Board developed a zero budget increase. This year, we propose a 1.9% increase. This two year total, while avoiding any significant changes to the academic program, is unparalleled in Westchester. We must continue this trend of fiscal responsibility by working in partnership with district stakeholders including community members with and without children in the district as well as our bargaining units. We must establish revenue sources other than taxes by expanding current public-private partnerships and establishing new ones. The Board's search for the next Superintendent must be a comprehensive and balanced process that includes community input. The Board must continue to be dynamic, approachable and accessible. |
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