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State of Pennsylvania | May 18, 2010 Election |
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Jonathan Saidel on Pennsylvania's Working FamiliesBy Jonathan A. SaidelCandidate for Lieutenant Governor; State of Pennsylvania; Democratic Party |
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"Pennsylvania's Working Class is the backbone of our economy, our communities, our way of life and our future. Their priorities are my priorities and I'm going to Harrisburg so Harrisburg doesn't forget about them" + Jonathan Saidel Introduction: Pennsylvania's gross state product of nearly $560 billion ranks sixth in the United States. As of 2008, Pennsylvania was home to fifty Fortune 500 companies. But the measure of Pennsylvania's economy cannot just be how well our largest corporations are faring, or how richly compensates our highest wage earners are. A better measure is in the row home in Northeast Philadelphia, or in the Garfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh or on a farmstead outside of Chambersburg. Economic Recovery: Pennsylvania has not been immune from the recession. Since 2000, Pennsylvania has lost 180,000 manufacturing jobs alone. Recovering from this recession requires a skilled balance of fiscal restraint and targeted investment. As Lieutenant Governor, I will advocate for a recovery strategy that: o Wisely spends the $26 billion dollars in federal money that we received from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (stimulus bill) o Continues the investment in education started by Governor Rendell, and this includes a special focus on help for school districts that need it most + big cities AND rural communities o Develops alternative energy as a source of new manufacturing jobs o Supports our agricultural economy + the 19th largest economic engine in the United States o Helps our municipal governments to avoid layoffs for police officers, firefighters, teachers and other local government employees Regional Jobs Summits: In my first six months in office, I will travel the state holding regional Jobs Summits in every corner of Pennsylvania. These Summits will bring together organized labor, business leaders, human service agencies and local elected officials to discuss the local economic climate. I've learned from travels around that state that each area is different and has different needs. By working with local elected officials and service providers, I will be better informed to lobby the Governor and Legislature on community-specific economic development strategies that move Pennsylvania forward. I know that Harrisburg doesn't have all the answers but a good leader doesn't just criticize, but offers solutions as well. These regional Job Summits will help me develop those solutions. To guarantee that we are following-up with these initiatives, I will appoint a Jobs Coordinator in my office to continue these discussions long after the Summits have concluded. Organized Labor: I am proud to support organized labor and to be supported by organized labor. As Lieutenant Governor, I will advocate tirelessly for labor's basic principle: a fair days pay for a fair days work. Accordingly, I will: o Lobby our Representatives and Senators to pass the Employee Free Choice Act through the Congress without delay o Work to extend Unemployment Benefits for those families that need it o Raise the Minimum Wage o Support universal health care that expands coverage, and puts patients ahead of profits To guarantee this agenda gets heard in Harrisburg, I will create a Working Families Cabinet, consisting not only of organized labor, but business leaders as well. This Cabinet will meet in my office regularly to discuss legislative activity that impacts Pennsylvania's Working Families most directly. Annually, this Cabinet will send a report to the Governor and the Legislature on our findings, and will work during the legislative session to track the progress of this activity. "As Lieutenant Governor, I'll make sure Pennsylvania's Working Families are heard, considered and respected by the Governor and State Legislature. It will be my top priority" + Jonathan Saidel |
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