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Measure E Community Services District Special Tax Muir Beach Community Services District 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Jul 19 10:59am, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (1/1) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Full Text | ||||
Shall Muir Beach CSD Ordinance No. 2010-1, which imposes an annual special tax of $3,250.00 on each improved commercially zoned parcel, $300.00 per separate habitable structure on each residentially zoned parcel and $300.00 on all other parcels for a period of four (4) years, commencing FY 2010-2011 and terminating in FY 2014- 2015, be ap proved and shall the Muir Beach CSD appropriations limit be increased by the amount of this voter approved tax?"
s/PATRICK K. FAULKNER County Counsel
Full Text of Measure E |
Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Muir Beach Community Services District: Proposing a Special Tax for Maintenance and Improvement of Water Supply Equipment and Facilities The Board of Directors of the Muir Beach Community Services District does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, this Board is the governing Board of the Muir Beach Community Services District; and WHEREAS, the Muir Beach Community Services Dis trict Board has the authority to levy a special tax; and WHEREAS, the Muir Beach Community Services Dis trict Board believes that a special tax is required to provide a stable, financial foundation to improve and maintain the District's water supply equipment and facilities, including, but not limited to, implementation of the recommendations of the District's "Twenty Year Plan" and the requirements of the District's water rights permit, as well as upgrading the District's water supply and distribution system. WHEREAS, it is the intention of this Board that an Ordinance imposing the special tax should be submitted to the voters of the Muir Beach Community Services District; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance may be adopted by the Board after notice and public hearing, and it is the desire of this Board to give notice of said Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board hereby proposes an Ordinance to impose a special tax to fund capital improvements and maintenance of the District's water supply equipment and facilities in the following amounts: three thousand two hundred and fifty ($3,250.00) dollars per year on each improved commercially zoned parcel; three hundred ($300.00) dollars per year per separate habitable structure on each residentially zoned parcel; and three hundred ($300.00) dollars per year on all other parcels. 1. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board hereby calls an election to be held on June 8, 2010 at which election the issue to be presented to the voters of the Muir Beach Community Services District is as follows:
MEASURE E Shall Muir Beach CSD Ordinance No. 2010-1, which imposes an annual special tax of $3,250.00 on each improved commercially zoned parcel, $300.00 per separate habitable structure on each residentially zoned parcel and $300.00 on all other parcels for a period of four (4) years, commencing FY 2010-2011 and terminating in FY 2014- 2015, be ap proved and shall the Muir Beach CSD appropriations limit be increased by the amount of this voter approved tax?" YES NO 2. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that a "parcel" shall be defined as any parcel of land, developed or undeveloped, wholly or partially located within the District, for which the County Assessor of Marin County has assigned an assessor's identification number, provided, however, that any such parcels which are contiguous, used solely for owner-occupied single family residential purposes and held under identical ownership, may, upon approval of an application of the owners thereof to this Board, be treated as a single parcel for purposes of this special tax. 3. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board hereby orders that said election shall be consolidated with the General Election scheduled on June 8, 2010; and 4. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes and requests the County Clerk to provide all necessary election services and canvas the results of said election; and 5. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that rebuttal shall be received to ballot arguments made by this Board on behalf of said Ordinance No. 2010-1; and 6. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the time for public hearing on the Ordinance No. 2010-1 is hereby established as Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 7:00 o'clock PM in the Muir Beach Community Center, located at 19 Seacape Drive, Muir Beach, CA 94965, or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; and 9. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to publish a notice set forth below in a newspaper of general circulation published in the County of Marin at least once fifteen (15) days prior to March 3, 2010; and 10. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall cause to be posted copies of the aforesaid notice in three (3) public places in the Muir Beach Com - munity Services District. Said notices to remain continuously posted; and 11. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Notice to be given shall be substantially in the following form: "NOTICE ON PROPOSED TAX ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Muir Beach Community Center at 19 Seacape Drive, Muir Beach, CA 94965, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Board of Directors of the Muir Beach Community Services District will consider the adoption of an ordinance which will, if adopted by the Board, and confirmed by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by the voters of the Muir Beach Community Services District, impose a special tax to fund capital improvements and maintenance of water supply and distribution equipment and facilities within the Muir Beach Community Services District.PASSED AND ADOPTED at the adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Muir Beach Community Services District held this 27th day of January, 2010 by the following vote:
AYES: 4 Steve Shaffer, Mary Daniel Hobson, Peter
Rudnick, Scott Bender
ABSENT: 1 Dan Fitzpatrick