The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Voter Registration,
Party Work,
Party Membership
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What would you do to increase the number of voters registered in your party?
Answer from Megan Kathleen Young:
This has been a consistent priority for the Democratic Party. Central Committee has done wonderful work in this area, but it is time to take this work a step further. Central Committee needs to partner with other democratic, political, and nonprofit organizations as well as with elected officials to create and implement a plan to reach the tens of thousands of eligible, unregistered voters in Santa Clara County. I would like to work with my fellow central committee members to begin voter registration efforts again.
Answer from Brandon L. Sulser:
The county party has to do voter registration drives out in the community. We've done a good job on this front: we have had a steady presence at various cultural festivals and art & wine festivals within the county. I've personally done voter registration in Palo Alto, Los Altos, Milpitas, San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Mountain View. When I was in Young Democrats, I won an award for doing the most voter registration.
Answer from Melodi D. Masaniai:
Build on the current effort that concentrates on tabling at public events, and expand voter registration to precincts in underrepresented neighborhoods. According to California Secretary of State Debra Bowen's January 2010 Voter Registration report, Santa Clara County has nearly 366,000 un registered voters, which is an increase of unregistered voters. We must stop going backward and begin going forward.
Answer from Jordan Daniel Eldridge:
Young voters register Democrat, in Santa Clara County, by a margin of at least 70%. We need to reach out to young voters, between the ages of 18-35 who will be the future of the Democratic party, and register them to vote. We need to energize young voters about our local, statewide, and federal candidates and remind them that it is so important to make their voices heard in every single election. They are increasingly facing difficult situations in achieving the California dream of a higher education and Politicians have for so long ignored their potential electoral power.
We also need to educate, and register new citizens about the Democratic Party, and continue to hold elected officials accountable to our Democratic values.
If I am elected to the County Democratic Central Committee, I will work with the party to make sure that the Democratic Party is visable and accessible at every large event so those interested in joining our party can do so.
We need to stand up and tell those eligible to vote about the importance to taking ownership in their government and they can do that by taking a stand at the ballot box.
Answer from Alyson L. Abramowitz:
Increasing Democratic voter registration requires you, as a voter, to see value in the Democratic Party and for the voter registration to be easily assessable to you. I created one of the most successful efforts to increase voter registration, outreaching to voters at three different movie theaters during movies with political content and brought out more than 100 people to staff the Democratic/Obama booth at Tapestry and Talent last year.
I would like to expand these efforts to other, non-traditional areas, such as movie theaters, book stores, and lectures with large crowds. Additionally I would like to see the County Committee outreach to voters on-line, via social networking.
I assisted the CA Democratic Party in the creation of literature to brand what it means to be a Democrat which has been available at voter registration efforts. I look forward to continuing to expand these efforts.
2. What would you do to help the campaigns of candidates of your party?
Answer from Melodi D. Masaniai:
I serve on the Endorsements Committee of the Santa Clara County Democratic Party and the Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley. I walk precincts for three endorsed candidates and give money to endorsed candidates. In 2009, I walked precincts for all the Democratic candidates running for Sunnyvale City Council. In 2010, I have walked precincts for myself, Rich Gordon, who is running for Assembly District 21, and I have given money to candidates for County Board of Supervisors in Santa Clara and San Francisco counties. Also, I am doing everything I can for Former Assemblymember John Laird in his run for the Special Election in Senate District 15.
Answer from Brandon L. Sulser:
I walk precincts for and give money to local candidates every election. Where possible, I try to act as a liaison to fist time candidates when they are trying to deal with the party. In terms of my endorsements voting record at county central committee, I tend to believe we should err on the side of endorsing too many viable candidates who share our ideals, rather that too few.
Answer from Alyson L. Abramowitz:
I have a long history of working with campaigns to provide innovative, small dollar fundraising, walking precincts, calling voters, and donating from President Obama to CA Assembly Member (now CA Senator) Elaine Alquist. I have received recognition from both the Obama and Kerry campaigns for my innovative fundraising work including a unique fundraiser with Joss Whedon (Buffy/Firefly) called High Stakes. I actively participate in encouraging newer candidates and the process for Democratic endorsement of candidates.
Answer from Megan Kathleen Young:
Central Committee should be a resource for all Democratic candidates in Santa Clara County. I would like to see Central Committee redouble its grassroots efforts, and volunteer for all of its endorsed candidates, talking to voters, walking precincts, phone banking and helping candidates plan, staff and put on events for the community.
Answer from Jordan Daniel Eldridge:
If I am elected to serve on the County Democratic Central Committee, I will continue to fight passionately for the party's endorsed candidates and continue to ensure that our candidates and elected officials work on behalf of the Democratic Party's core values of affordable, quality education; reproductive choice; and Universal Health Care for all.
As a testament to what I would do to ensure our candidate's get elected, I worked whole-heartedly for Paul Fong for State Assembly in 2008, many local candidates in 2008 and 2009, and have dedicated every single weekend since February 2010 in helping elect Democrats to all levels of government in the June 8th 2010 primaries. Many people wonder where I get all my energy? I get it from the passion I hold dear about the values of the Democratic Party.
I am currently working to get four different candidates elected to statewide and local offices in the June 2010 primary because I am passionate about their dedication and work in carrying out my core values.
I would also like to take an activel role in shaping our party's future and educate my generation on the significance that elections have on their own lives.
3. Why did you become a member of this political party?
Answer from Megan Kathleen Young:
I became a member of the Democratic Party when I was first old enough to register to vote, at age 17 1/2. I grew up under the Clinton Administration, and was inspired by the values of diplomacy, inclusiveness, fairness and caring for people. I will always be proud to be a Democrat.
Answer from Melodi D. Masaniai:
I became a Democrat because Democrats stand together for equality, civil rights, equal opportunity, and freedom.
Answer from Jordan Daniel Eldridge:
I became a member of the Democratic Party way before I was eligible to vote. I was a strong Al Gore supporter in the 2000 elections while I was taking "Constitution" in my 8th grade History class at Hyde Middle School.
I hold the values of the Democratic Party very close to my heart because I love people! I believe that it is the State and Federal Government's responsibility to ensure that those that have been disadvantaged in society get a fair piece of the American dream. For the last 30 years, Americans have struggled much harder to succeed, while seeing their middle-class families and low-income neighborhoods dwindle while overly agressive Corporations succeed in changing the landscape to their benefit. They have been successful in maximizing their profits by shunning their workers, and pouring huge amounts of money attacking our candidates and our values.
I care about people and their well-being. I support Health Care Reform, not because it was a good bill (because it has major flaws), but because it is the first step in ensuring that everyone in America obtains their right for quality, affordable health care. It has been proven much easier to fix current law, then to create one from scratch.
The Democratic Party continues to stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves! That is why I am a Democrat.
Answer from Alyson L. Abramowitz:
The Democratic Party shares my values supporting the community as well as the individual, allowing us all to achieve greater together.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.