- Fixing the Education System
Here's one example of how the Free Market works well. Competition and freedom are good for all of us. You can apply the analogy I use to many of our country's problems and see how privatization could fix the problem. Why do you trust the government more than a private company? Government is the only true monopoly and they don't have to answer to anyone. We don't want anarchy, just freedom.
- The Plan to Get Us Back on Track
Common sense seems to be on hiatus in Washington DC and Sacramento these days. Why do politicians keep supporting ideas that will bankrupt us? With soaring debt, tax rates and inflation no one will be enjoying the perks of a healthy economy including environmental causes, entitlement recipients and of course businesses, working men and woman and the middle class. We will all suffer. Let's fix this mess now! I've included some basic Do's and Dont's that I would support or fight against.
- Why You Should Vote for Mary Larkin
The USA isn't perfect; no civilization ever has been. However, in a short time we were able to create a society that was relatively free, tolerant, self-sufficient and just. I believe most Americans want the same things but we've lost our ability for civil discussion and understanding. Each side is dug in and someone has to show them how we really have the same values and the same villians to fight. I would like to help make that happen so we can all be on the same team again.