This information is provided by the candidate
I am an Attorney who lives and practices in Riverside. I am a 34 year old married father of three children, all under the age of 8. I have assisted with prior political campaigns, and now for the first time am running for office. Like you, I am fed up with the way our state is run. I am seeking the office of State Assembly, because we need a voice.
I am a Conservative who believes that we can still bring sense back to Sacramento through true Conservative values. Our representatives have not been willing to take a stand. Our
Republican representative has a moderate record at best. I am a man
of principles and a man of values. I stand firm on my grounds and will not back down. I ask you to send me to Sacramento so that I can fight for you and be your voice where you are too often ignored.
I pride myself on being a man of G-D and a man of high moral character. You can count on me to bring honor back to government.