Martinez does not need a Redevelopment Agency in order to thrive. An RDA takes funding away from services for everyone to provide funding and increase property values for a select few property owners. An RDA takes control from citizens and puts it in the hands of politicians. Martinez needs a shared vision and appreciation for who we are--without that we will continue to live in the past and look for that magic bullet of Redevelopment to save us. Martinez can never return to the "glory days" when the downtown was on a main thoroughfare and a shopping magnet for the County--the bridge and Sun Valley Mall changed all that. We must capitalize on our history and location by emphasizing all of the positives of this wonderful city--all of the reasons why we moved here or stay here. Such as our multi-cultural heritage; our important citizens such as John Muir, John Swett, and Joe DiMaggio. Our diversity created a community of acceptance and understanding. During World War II we supported our Japanese American neighbors by preserving their property and welcoming them back after the war. We celebrate and revere our Native American heritage with sensitivity to all of life including the internationally celebrated Martinez beavers who thank us by making Martinez world famous. We have a beautiful Marina that draws families and recreation enthusiasts. We have stupendous parks with unparalleled views of the Carquinez Strait and the surrounding ridgelines. We have a family-friendly golf course and hidden lakes and pocket parks just waiting to be discovered. Add to that thriving arts and cultural community and you have a formula for success. Martinez doesn't need a redevelopment agency. Our own citizens can make this city greater than we could ever desire and should be offered the chance.