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Contra Costa County, CA | November 2, 2010 Election |
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Responses to Orinda Education Association QuestionnaireBy Julie RossiterCandidate for Board Member; Orinda Union School District |
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Julie's responses to a questionnaire submitted by the Orinda Education Association1. What in your background leads you to believe that you would be a successful Orinda Union School District School Board member?
I have three children in or entering the Orinda school district: a son in 7th grade at OIS, a daughter in 5th grade at Del Rey Elementary, and a four-year-old daughter in preschool. I have had children in the school district since 2004, and will continue to have students in the district until 2020. I have been very involved in their schools, and my family has actively participated in many community organizations, including CYO basketball, OMPA swimming, OYA soccer, OBA baseball, rugby and scouting.
In addition to working in my children's classrooms as room parent, party planner and similar positions, I have taken on even more involved positions in the Parents' Club at Del Rey. I am continuing in my role as the legislative representative for Del Rey to the local PTA, was treasurer of Del Rey's annual fundraising drive for two years, was the Del Rey representative for the Measure A parcel tax, co-chaired the school's annual parents' party, was co-chair of Operations on the school auction and, prior to that, worked on local solicitations for the auction. Each position has given me insight into the budget challenges facing the Orinda school district and a great deal of experience working with other parents in the community.
I am an attorney and practiced as a business litigator and employment lawyer for seven years before my son was born. I have significant experience solving problems, negotiating with others, advocating where necessary for change and building consensus to obtain results.
Both my husband and I attended public schools, and my mother was an elementary school librarian for over 25 years. Having enjoyed my own public school experience, I am committed to providing an excellent public education to all the children attending the Orinda schools.
My professional and volunteer experience will make me an ideal school board trustee. I have the skills to think critically and analyze issues affecting the district. I am passionate about public education and ensuring Orinda continues as one of the best school districts in California. It has been a great privilege working with so many talented and committed people in this community, and I will enjoy working collaboratively to accomplish the board's primary goal: providing Orinda students with the highest quality education. 2. Please describe your community activities during the last three years.
See response to question 1, above. 3. What are your top three goals for the Orinda Union School District? What are your ideas for addressing these goals?
My top three goals for the Orinda Union School District are to (1) maximize school funding and ensure the best use of those funds; (2) continue adapting and improving the school curriculum and resources based on changing needs; and (3) partner with parents, teachers, administrators and the community to ensure the ultimate goal: providing the best possible education for all students in Orinda.
(1) School Funding:
The budget crisis in California is an ongoing, long-term problem with no easy solutions. The Orinda school district has done an excellent job maintaining critical programs, including art, music, physical education and library during these challenging times.
It is only through the support of a dedicated community that the Orinda school district has been able to continue these programs. Our community has been generous in approving parcel taxes and in donating to EFO and the parents' clubs of individual schools. While the board needs to be extremely sensitive to the needs of each school and the students they serve, particularly with regard to needed facilities improvement, the board must also be aware of the concerns of the community, which is continually asked to volunteer their own funds to supplement public resources. It is a very delicate and difficult balance.
To maintain our funding, we must make absolutely sure we are efficiently utilizing and maximizing all resources: federal and state, public and private. We must creatively seek new revenue sources and must strategically utilize the funds we have.
(2) School Curriculum:
The top priority for the school district is + and always is - to provide students with the highest quality education. We must continuously review and modify the district's strategic plan to ensure we are challenging our students and giving them the tools to succeed academically.
We need to continue to provide enrichment outside of just math and language arts. Science, the arts, physical education and other programs are also critical to developing our students into well-rounded individuals. As a board, we will need to work hard to maintain, streamline and improve upon these programs.
Equally important is the need to keep pace with advances in science and technology so that our students are prepared for the challenges of higher education and a competitive workplace.
(3) Collaboration with Orinda Community:
The support of parents, teachers, administrators and the Orinda community is critical to the success of our school district. Each group has ideas and contributions that are invaluable to our schools. As a board, we must ensure that all voices have an opportunity to be heard. Some possible methods of communication include representation on committees, community outreach and individual input. 4. What strategies would you champion to improve meaningful communication throughout our educational community?
See response to question 3, above. Communication 5. How are you educating yourself on issues that are the most important to the work of teachers?
Teachers are integral to the success of the school district's programs. Ever since I first considered becoming a candidate, I have made it a priority to carefully evaluate the issues raised at monthly school board meetings and to speak with Orinda school teachers about their goals and needs.
Teachers have stressed to me the importance of preserving critical school programs. They have discussed, for example, how we should maintain + in a meaningful way - the underlying structure of programs such as the libraries in the hope of building them again once the state budget improves. One message from teachers has also resonated with me loud and clear: they are an extremely important voice in this dialogue. Communication and collaboration between all stakeholders and the school board are critical to the success of the district. 6. It is clear from educational research that student performance is closely linked to the quality of teaching. What role do you believe the school board has for attracting, retaining, and supporting effective teachers?
As noted above in response to question 5, teachers are and will always be integral to the success of the school district's programs. The school board plays a critical role in attracting, retaining and supporting effective teachers. By continually improving the district's strategic plan, the school board helps ensure that the district maintains its status as one of the top school districts in California. Great schools attract great teachers.
Competitive salaries and benefits play a part in attracting and retaining teachers. Maintaining and improving upon the district's teacher training programs is another way to attract, retain and, most critically, support effective teachers. Input from teachers and administrators about the structure of that training is essential. 7. What are the priorities specific to OUSD that you would represent if elected, and what solutions would you offer?
The top priority for the school district is + and always is - to provide students with the highest quality education. As noted above in response to question 3, we must continuously review and modify as necessary the district's strategic plan to ensure that we are challenging our students and giving them the tools to succeed academically.
As also noted above, enrichment outside of just math and language arts is important. Science, the arts, physical education and other programs also play a critical role in developing our students into well-rounded individuals. As a board, we will need to work hard to maintain, streamline and improve upon these programs.
It should also be a priority to keep pace with advances in science and technology so that our students can compete with other students in California, the United States and the world. 8. Should central office personnel's evaluations include input from teachers? Why or why not?
Pursuant to the OUSD Board Policy Manual, the school district Superintendent has "general supervision of all personnel . . ., including an evaluation program for all district employees." (BP 2120.) However, the evaluation of central office personnel should include input from individuals with knowledge of that person's work performance. If a teacher knows the person being evaluated sufficiently to effectively evaluate that individual, the teacher's opinion should be welcomed. 9. If there were to be cuts to the budget next year, what would you cut and why?
Hopefully, the state budget will improve and there will not be a need for further cuts to education. We simply cannot compromise the excellence of our schools. The current school board has done a commendable job of addressing the severe cuts in state funding over the last three years, and has done so while maintaining teacher quality, small class sizes and educational excellence.
However, if the state continues to cut school funding, the board will once again have to evaluate programs in light of any decrease in revenue. Pursuant to budget guidelines already established by the school board, programs must be evaluated based on their "educational benefit, cost effectiveness and financial impact." (OUSD Adoption Budget for 2010-11, p. 2.2.)
Ideally, rather than fully eliminate specific programs, the board will first consider how it can streamline programs and eliminate waste and redundancy. If necessary, budget cuts should be made with an eye towards keeping the cuts as far away from the classroom and, therefore, the students, as possible. No matter what, the board should always keep in mind the ultimate goal: to ensure the best possible education for all students in Orinda. 10. When the State does provide our District with additional on-going revenue, are you interested in restoring any programs that were previously cut? Explain.
When the school district begins to receive additional on-going revenue, the board will need to work together to determine where that money can best be used. Collaboration and input from all stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators and the community will be important to this process.
One priority with increased revenue is technology, including updating the technology infrastructure, continuing to integrate technology in the classroom and increasing training. Additional revenue would help the district meet the technology objectives identified in the Proposed District Goals for 2010-2011 presented at the September 13, 2010 school board meeting. 11. How do you see the Orinda Education Association becoming an equal partner in the development of the budget?
Teacher input is critical to both the success of the Orinda schools and to ensure that our children's teachers enjoy a high level of job satisfaction. Teachers, like all stakeholders, should have the opportunity to contribute their thoughts and ideas regarding decisions being made by the board. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, including representation on committees, meetings with central office administration and/or presentations before the school board. With input from a wide variety of sources, the board can ensure that all constituents have an opportunity to let their concerns and recommendations be known. 12. What do you see as the role of teachers in providing input for the decisions that the school board makes?
See response to question 11, above. |
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