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Humboldt County, CA | November 2, 2010 Election |
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Bonnie Neely on the environmentBy Bonnie NeelyCandidate for County Supervisor; Humboldt County; Supervisorial District 4 |
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Position and accomplishmentsI am thrilled to have the endorsement of the National Sierra Club and the Humboldt Green Party. I look forward to continuing to champion environmental rights, and I thank you for recognizing me as an accomplished advocate for these critically important issues, which have a major impact on our quality of life on the North Coast and beyond. As a member of the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, I have perhaps been the most vocal supporter of the General Plan Update, which will chart our course for the next 20 years. This policy document has not been updated since 1984, and our collective understanding of environmental issues has tremendously grown. Therefore, it is imperative our General Plan reflect the best practices for environmental conservation to catch up with the environmental policies of state and federal resource agencies. It is absolutely necessary we have a clear plan for the county's development so we don't diminish our quality of life and our environment as we grow. I personally championed the addition of a Water Resources Element in the County General Plan so we can take charge of our own fate on water supply and quality issues. I also supported the inclusion of an energy element to address energy needs and climate change. I supported the creation of the Natural Resources Planning Division in our Community Development Services Department, which has aided in securing more than $65 million in funding for water and energy resource projects on the North Coast. I support the adoption of a countywide Climate Action Plan to help our entire county meet statewide AB 32 goals. Humboldt County is taking a leadership role in the region by recently securing federal funding to help homeowners finance energy conservation and solar retrofits. This program alone is projected to create 150 new, green jobs over the next three years. Forestland owners should be able to participate in carbon markets as carbon stores could be Humboldt's greatest contribution to worldwide climate mitigation, as well as a major source of future income. The Van Eck Forest Project has already placed us in a leadership role in forest carbon markets. That's why I've never wavered from opposing sprawl development in our rural watersheds and I'm a strong supporter of agricultural and resource land protections. The Klamath Restoration Agreement is a blueprint for dealing with large-scale county and regional environmental issues. This agreement was secured through partnering with state, federal and other local agencies. The Board of Supervisors advocated for strong scientific input from the agencies, comprehensive public involvement and attention from top state and federal decision makers. As Chair of the California Coast Commission, I have supported project design and mitigations that protect our coastal resources, and I have always opposed offshore oil drilling, and with recent national events I am more dedicated than ever before to make sure oil drilling happens on our coast. Currently, I'm working on the acquisition of critical beach and dune habitat for habitat protection purposes. My experience statewide has given me insight on how local policies, funds and decisions can protect local coastal resources. My position on the Coastal Commission has given me a unique perspective on the need to synchronize local resources and environmental decisions with state priorities and legal requirements. The best environmental outcomes result from cooperative efforts between state, federal and local jurisdictions. I will continue to fight for environmental rights with your vote on June 8th. Learn more about my campaign at |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 21, 2010 00:44
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