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Kern County, CA | November 2, 2010 Election |
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The future of Ridgecrest (Reprint from the past)By Marshall Chip "Chip" HollowayCandidate for Council Member; City of Ridgecrest |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
The next 50 years...If you see my signs around town you will notice my slogan "Preserving the Dream, Pursuing a Vision". These two lines sum up my philosphy on local government and how I see the future. No matter how big the initial gains of B.R.A.C. we know one thing for sure, Ridgecrest is growing. Anytime you have rapid growth there are opportunites to correct past mistakes and prevent future ones. My goal is to use smart managed growth to encourage projects that offer fair density to the developoer in exchange for amenities that have long been over looked in the past. Everyone has a different vision for the community but at the same time many hopes and dreams overlap, the challenge for future councils will be to match those visions and mold them into one. I have always considered my willingness to listen and accept feedback both negative and positive one of my strongest assets. This will never be more important than in the coming years.This is what mean by "Pursuing a Vision. My other statement is "Preserving the Dream" that comes from a sincere desire to preserve the small town community feel of Ridgecrest while at the same time offering the kind of ammenities that will attract future employees on base as well as the kind of businesses all of us wish we had. We must be careful not to grow too fast or get away from the core values that make Ridgecrest such a unique community.My hope is that someday fewer and fewer of our young people will leave Ridgecrest because we have created an environment of diversity and creativity that will allow anyone to accomplish any dream they desire right here in Ridgecrest. Thanks for your support on Nov. 2nd Sincerely, "chip" |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 29, 2010 07:22
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