The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
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1. How would you determine that the schools are using federal, state, and local funds wisely and fairly and how would you report your findings to the community?
Answer from David S. Hernandez:
In order to determine if schools are using funds accordingly I'd study a variety financial reports and district plans to ensure that the resources are being used efficiently. Some of the reports I'd review carefully would be the annual budget, year-end comparisons of actual expenditures to budget, audit reports, school plans, and monthly warrant reports. I would also continue to encourage a community budget oversight committee to review to engage the community with district information. In addition, with identified shortfalls I would immediately start to develop study sessions and work collaboration with board members, unions, and community partners to prepare for any uncertainty. As we identify budget shortfalls I would also promote the use of grants to support additional programming.
It's important as a district as they identify shortfalls that regular community budget updates are issued to the community which could be done through community emails, newsletters, or forums to keep the community informed about any anticipated shortfalls and receive their input/ideas.
Answer from David Cohen:
It is a responsibility of the board to thoroughly review all district spending. I take this role very seriously and ask difficult questions of the administration during every budget planning period. I make sure that taxpayers get maximum value out of every dollar spent in our schools and that the money is fairly allocated between each of our 13 schools.
It is important that the district hire competent and knowledgeable administrators who understand the rules for education spending and also have a strong grasp of education models. The district also must rely on annual independent audits to make sure funds are spent properly. Our district has had no audit exceptions during my 4 years on the board.
I have encouraged the district to hold public hearings in order to get feedback from parents, staff, and other members of the public and make sure the district is responsive to their needs. I believe in open and honest communication with constituents. I visit every school in the district at least twice per year and sit down with staff to find out what they are thinking. I publish a blog so that the public can keep up with the issues the district is facing and to solicit feedback from interested parties.
Answer from David J. Neighbors:
I would hold public meetings and open houses to illustrate strides we are (hopefully) making in the area of closing the achivement gap amongst the District's students. Listening to concerns from parents and staff and each school site (continued participation in PTA and the Berryessa District Advisory Council) will alow me to keep up-to-date and happenings, successes, and challenges.
2. Are the schools offering instruction appropriate to the diverse educational abilities of all the students?
Answer from David S. Hernandez:
Offering appropriate education material to a diverse student base can be a daunting task. The district does offer some programs to meet the needs of students of diverse educational abilities. However, is it enough? In the news recently comes the concern regarding Hispanic and African-American students still not hitting the markers. This is where the district truly needs to allocate resources to help push efforts forward to accommodate this student base. Our teachers are more than competent to meet the task, but I believe the resource allocation for new programming, after school programming, and specialized curriculum for this sector of the student base is inadequate. The challenge is obviously inadequate resources, lack of district support, and the need to make an entire system change to make this a reality.
Answer from David J. Neighbors:
While the achievement gap is closing, we have additional work to do in math. Here in Silicon Valley we must (with proper support) strive toward getting all of our students to take algebra in 8th grade. As a board, we must work toward serving all of the District's students by providing resouces educators need. We need to listen to those who work directly with the students and be willing to be held accountable by the community.
Answer from David Cohen:
The district must continue to focus on best practices for differentiating instruction. Professional development for teachers and staff should include programs for improving such practices. Our district is faced with a serious achievement gap, particularly among our Latino students, and the district is setting up goals to focus on strategies to narrow that gap.
Due to budget cuts, most school districts have had to cut back on some programming. It is important to find ways to offer more "non-academic" programs, like music and art at all levels, and vocational classes at the middle school level. Broadening the minds of students will help achievement and also will provide something to keep kids engaged in school even if they are not excited by core subjects.
The district needs to make sure that teaching to the test does not result in homogonizing the educational experience. Children at all ability levels need to be pushed so that they can achieve to the best of their ability.
3. Where do want the district to be 5 years from now? What steps should the district take to get there?
Answer from David J. Neighbors:
Our District is being underfunded relative to neighboring districts and I'd like to work with our local legislators toward equity in school funding. I'd like to work closely with the bargaining units and the administration toward a collaborative atmosphere where all District employees are valued and their ideas are considered for implementation. We must close the achivement gap and provide help to our students who are struggling.
Answer from David Cohen:
I want all parents to feel confident in our schools. Nobody should have to wonder if sending their children to public schools is the right thing to do. I hope that in 5 years, the Berryessa School District will be at that level. We are making great strides, with district API scores up over 65 points over the past 6 years. I want Berryessa to be seen as one of the top districts in the County and a place that families want to live because of our schools.
We need to restore the student-to-counselor ratio so that all children have available to them the support that will motivate them to excel. If students are pushed to greater heights, more of them will get there and fewer will drop out.
Finally, our school district needs to communicate with the high school district in order to make sure the students that pass through our schools are prepared for the high school level. More interaction between middle school teachers and those in high school will result in curriculum that is better tailored to providing a seamless transition. I helped initiate a cooperative relationship between elementary districts on the east side of San Jose and the East Side Union High School District, for which we are a feeder district.
Answer from David S. Hernandez:
In order to move forward I would:
1. Increase teacher and student resources
2. Reduce classroom size
3. Focus on under-served student base to increase their language and math requirements
4. Increase the focus on student physical education
5. Develop parent, community, and corporation partnerships
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League. Answers must not refer directly or indirectly to another candidate.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.